Chapter 5

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The show continued on for a while longer. I watched from backstage and applauded loud when they finished a set. I noticed that they were getting hot up there with all of those blaring lights. They were sweaty but that was ok with me.
  Soon it was the encore portion of the show. The guys sang Lullaby and Rock Star, I was brought back onstage and sang the last line of Lullaby with Alex. It was great! Then afterwards I was told to wait backstage because the guys would be signing autographs for the fans and they wanted to see me later alone.

I waited there patiently but still I was getting a little antsy. I haven't seen them in ages and now we are separated again. Oh well I can wait. About an hour and a half later, the guys came backstage, shirtless (!) and without even saying anything we all just piled up and gave hugs. And lots of them! The guys were a little sweaty but I didn't give a damn! Afterwards, Nat left the room to give me and Alex our privacy. After that I wasn't sure what to say to my guy.
I asked: "Did you mean what you said up there? That you love me and still do?"
He simply answered: "What I said was just an understatement. I will always love you no matter where you are and what happens."

He blushed quietly. I wasn't sure what to say to him so I did what I could think of, I held onto him for dear life and cried a little into his shoulder. He held me too. There were no words needed and after I was calm, we felt very tired and soon we lay on the couch nearby. And fell asleep, it felt good snuggling up to his chest and drifting off.
It was what I was waiting for.

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