Chapter 21

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It was finally December 16th and now I am 21! I wonder what we are doing for my birthday this year. My parents seemed to have forgotten my birthday because they made plans to go see their friends. Unfortunately I was forced to go with them but I refused. They instead wanted to celebrate my Dad's birthday which is on the 17th. Same as Nat's birthday. I was pretty mad that they were being insensitive to me and my coming of age. So I made the trip as miserable as possible for them. Luckily they got fed up but unluckily for me, I got smacked and scolded multiple times for my behavior. I yelled that I wanted to leave and spend time with my man but my parents just kept saying their favors word to me. " No, No, no, no, no, and NO!" I'm surprised that "No!" wasn't my first word. Honestly.
  Where n we FINALLY got back home, it was the 17th. My dad's and Nat's birthdays. And here's the big shocker. NOW, my parents remember my birthday and want to make it up to me with a special dinner. No gifts or cake or nothing. I'm pissed!!
  I just told them I don't want to go anywhere and told them that I was going across the street to spend time with the Wolff Brothers.

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