Chapter 7

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  Curious that Alex might have been seeing another girl when I was away, I went over to Polly and asked her some questions. Basically I'd asked her if Alex was dating or "doing things" with other girls when I was gone. If it was a kiss for one of his movies that was fine but he promised he would wait for me. 
  Polly did say that in the movie there was in fact a kiss and sex scene. And they had actually did it! I was shocked and appalled. I wasn't sure what to say or do I just said "thanks for telling me that stuff" and I ran back across the street to my house.
I was upstairs in my room bawling my eyes out. I know it is dumb to make such a fuss over a guy but I really thought we had something.
I guess it was just me.

I just saw Sadie run to her house. I wonder why. Oh god, she knows!
She must have asked mom if I saw anyone else. And mom must have told her about the sex scene that I had to do! Man I'm dumb! Sadie must think I was passionately in love or lust with another girl. Truth is when I was doing that scene I was thinking about Sadie and how much I loved and missed her. Nobody could ever replace her!
I've got to show her the movie and tell her that it was all a terrible mistake. I hope I'm not too late.

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