Chapter 10

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   I've been single for a while now and I've applied for a job at Disney World. Not sure if I'll get it but I hope I do. I absolutely love the place where dreams come true. Anyway, I'm not sure about Alex but I'm assuming he's doing well. We still haven't seen or heard from another but I think it might be for the best. You know he was just a dumb pre-teen crush who after a time you get over. Like Elvis, maybe. (Bad comparison but you still get the drift)

I have spoken to Nat and Polly though. They told me that Alex was not doing so well. He'd lost weight, he looked pale and he was often locked in his room. They think he's really very depressed about the movie and the awards he got for it. I felt bad for him but assured myself that he'll be fine. Hopefully.

Truthfully I'm not too mad anymore about that dumb old movie and that past flame, Gianna. It hurt that I was not the one who was loving him in that way, but it could have been a lot worse. But he still has to pay for what he's done to break my trust and my heart. I felt horrible about leaving him last year and here I was hoping he'd come back with open arms and no secrets.

I'm a fool.

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