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Currently it's 7:34pm and I'm stitting in the dentist waiting room. My best friend Seungkwan is getting surgery on his teeth and I'm to look after him and take him home. His parents are working right now and he doesn't trust any of his other friends to look after him while he is drugged. I mean, I don't even know why he trusted me. I hope he'll say something he'll regret -no - I mean - I hope he wont say anything that he'll regret. Heh. This is going to be fun.

Eventually after a lot of waiting Seungkwan's operation finished and I was allowed to see him. He was lying on the chair with his head rolled slightly to the side. There was cotton balls in his mouth to stop the bleeding. When he saw me enter his head shot up slightly and he attempted to what I think was smile but his mouth was too numb so it looked more like a grimace.

"(Y/n)! ~~" he waved cheerily at me and kicked his legs back and forth like a child. His actions were sloppy and although he was exited at my arrival he looked like he was about fall asleep.

"Everything went well, but we'll need to keep him in just a little bit longer just to make sure that he's good to go," a dentist told me, not looking up from his computer screen. "Of course he won't be quite his usual self for awhile due to the drugs that he has been on. I hope that you'll make sure that he gets home safely." I nodded although the dentist couldn't see me and averted my attention back to Seungkwan who was looking right back at me.

Although there is cotton in his mouth his dazed expression is still really cute. Wait. Why am I thinking that? I mean... it's true but still.

"How d'you feel Seungkwan? Can you feel your mouth?" I asked as I moved closer to him.

"I can't s-" He attempted to form a sentence but the cotton in his mouth was stopping him from doing it completely so he reached up to pull it out. Before he could get it the dentist looked up from his computer and glared at Seungkwan as if to say 'you know you shouldn't be doing that.' Seungkwan saw him and reluctantly took his hand away from his mouth. He looked back at me and pouted. I tried to stifle my laugh, but I couldn't he looked so stupid.

"Hy are ooh aufing?" ("Why are you laughing?") He asked and pouted more.

"You're cute." Oh, I actually said that. I quickly covered my mouth once I had realised what I had just said. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the dentist smirk to himself as he worked on his computer.

"Oh - oh - at reinds ee (y/n)," (that reminds me (y/n)) Seungkwan said as he reached out his arm and motioned for me to move towards him. Did he not hear what I said? Or is he trying to save me from being embarrassed. Who knows. He's high so it won't matter anyway. "I hah a eeeecret" (I have a seeecret)

"What is it?" I asked as I moved closer towards him. He motioned for me to bend down so that I was level with his face. He sat up and whispered in my ear.

"I can't ell oo." (I can't tell you)

"Alright Mr Boo you're free to go now," the dentist said, pushing himself out of his chair in front of his computer. "Please take good care of him and make sure that he doesn't get into any trouble. It should really be his parents with him as he's a minor, but I guess a girlfriend is good enough." I opened my mouth to tell him that we aren't dating but before I could speak Seungkwan hopped out of his chair and pulled me out of the room by my hand. Once he got to the door Seungkwan turned around and waved at the dentist before spinning back around and out of the room.


"Ut I early- But I really want to tell you," Seungkwan whined as he pulled the cotton out of his mouth. I debated on wither to tell him to keep it in, but understanding him was hard and it was clearly annoying him so I didn't. We had got into my car and were on our way to Seungkwan's house. For the entire car ride so far Seungkwan had been talking about that secret. I am kind of curious but because of the state he's in right now it's probably not anything important.

"If you want to tell me you can. If not be quiet." I smiled, looking at him briefly out of the corner of my eye.

"Ah but (y/nnnn) you don't understand," he pouted. "I really reaaally can't tell you because nobody knows. Not even (y/n) or Vernon. Ok?"

"I mean, you're saying it like I'm not (y/n) but ok," I giggled slightly to myself. He's so stupid it's cute.

I stopped the car in front of Seungkwan's house. We both got out of the car and walked towards the front door. Seungkwan grabbed hold of my hand again and leant on me. He looked really tired. It must be something to do with what he was on because it's not that late. With my free hand I unlocked the door with the key that his parents had given me and we walked inside.

"FINE - fine - fine - fine - I'll tell you," Seungkwan pouted as he pulled on my arm. I sigh. I mean, I didn't ask but now I'm curious.

"Ok, tell me then," I say as I make him take his jacket and shoes off.

"Ok, but promise you won't tell (y/n)?" Heh. Idiot.

"I promise," I smirk.

"Ok, sooo," he clapped his hands together and smiled. "You know (y/n)?"

Well obviously, Seungkwannie.


"Well~" he walked closer towards me and pulled my head to his before whispering in my ear. "She's really cuuute~"

Oh. Oh ok. I reached up and felt my face. It's gotten really warm. He can't be serious. Wait. Does he like me? No. No, that can't be true... I mean, it would be nice if it was.. WAIT. Do I like HIM? I looked at him. He was looking back at me, smiling, waiting for me to answer him.

"D-d'you like her?" I asked.

"You mean like-like? Oh, yah, for sure." I blushed even more after hearing what he said.

"Oh, um, o-ok." He smiled even more and put his finger up to his lip.

We stood like that for awhile. Well, it probably wasn't that long but to me it felt like it. I didn't know what to say. Even if he doesn't know it, he did just confess to me. I run my hand through my hair and look back at him. He was looking aimlessly around the room, gently swinging his head from side to side. He caught me looking at him from the corner of his eye and cheerily waved at me.

"C-come on," I told him, finally remembering that his mother had told me to make sure that he gets to sleep quickly. "You must be tired." I pulled his arm slightly to get him to follow me. He puts his hand into mine as we started to walk. When we get to his room he immediately flops face first onto the bed. I make him turn around and lie on the bed probably. I giggle. It's like babysitting a little kid.

I know he won't remember any of this in the morning, but I really hope that he would. I sigh and sit down on the bed.

"Seungkwan, about (y/n).."


"I - I think that she likes you too."


"Yeah. Like-like."

"Really?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah." I smile down at the boy who had covered his mouth with his hands.

"Are you sure?"


"Well I mean who wouldn't, but are you reaaally -"

"I know she does, Seungkwan."

"Ah that's good," he smiled. "So should I ask her?"

"Ask her what?"

"If she wants to be my girlfriend," Seungkwan giggled. I blushed and looked away although he probably wouldn't notice anyway.

"Yeah. I think she'd like that."

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