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Blind!Dino Soulmate AU


  You had always imagined the day when you would finally see colour. Well, everyone did - it was when you would meet your soulmate after all.

  A few times you've asked your parents and friends who had met their soulmate to describe colours to you, but you always got the same reply. The same reply every other curious person had gotten at one point.

  'It's too hard to describe. You'll find out soon enough.'

  So that's what you did. Excitedly awaited the day you would meet them. How you would look straight into their eyes and then suddenly the world is bursting with colour. You'll have a whole new view of the world that you'll get to experience for the first time with them. Whoever they are.

  One day you were on your way to a lecture. You were running late so you were moving as quickly as you could, not paying much attention to anything around you. That ended up being a bad idea when you bumped into a boy and he falls to the ground.

  You immediately apologise and offer your hand to him so he can get up. As you wait for him to grab your hand you realise just how attractive the stranger is. He looks around your age with dark hair and a confused expression, not looking at you at all.

  Then all of a sudden there was a strange heavy feeling in your eyes. You blinked it away but something after that was different. The world was in colour. The day you had imagined all your life was finally here and by this point your lecture was long forgotten.

  The world became more beautiful and bright that you had ever imagined. You didn't even want to blink.

  You watched your soulmates face closely  hoping to see their reaction to the new colourful world. But there was nothing.

  And then it clicked. You hadn't seen it before as you were to immersed in examining the boy, but he was holding onto the leash of a golden retriever who was sitting perfectly still. He didn't take your hand, he didn't even look in your direction because he couldn't see you. He's bind.

  "You don't see it then do you?" you muttered, but he still heard you.

  "Don't see what?" You put your hand on his and pulled him up off of the ground.

  "Colour." His mouth went into a 'O' shape. He knew about soulmates, obviously, everyone did, but it had worried him in the past. How would he know who it was for sure? Could his future 'soulmate' just be lying to him? But he felt it. He knew for sure that you weren't lying. A sharp but pleasant pain ran up his arm when you touched, leaving his body feeling warmer and more energised than before. More complete. "Well obviously you don't see it. That's a stupid question sorry."

  "No-no! It's not stupid - if you didn't say it I wouldn't have known," he smiled. Although he was now standing up, he hadn't let go of your hands and now had an even tighter hold on them. "I'm Lee Chan by the way."

  "I'm (y/l/n) (y/n)."


  "(Y/n)?" You heard Chan say from a few feet away. The two of you had been dating for a few months now, ever since the day you met.

  "Yeah, Dino?" you replied using his nickname.

  "What is colour like?"

  Your mind jamp back to all of the times that you had asked that question yourself, never getting a proper answer. But those times were different. The time came when you would finally see colour - when you met Chan. The time when he should've too.

  "Red," you explain, " is a warm colour - like when you eat spicy food. It's when you get embarrassed your face gets warm and turns red."

  Chan had his face scrunched in concentration, listening to every word you said.

  "Green is a fresh, clean colour like plants. Like when you hear the trees rustling together. It makes you feel refreshed like mint."

  You could go on describing colours for hours. And that's what you did. You said everything you could think of, everything that the colours had made you feel as you got to know them over the last few months, everything you wished Chan would feel as well.

  "Pink is love right, (y/n)?" Chan, who had stayed silent though most of the conversation spoke up. "To me you're pink, because that's what I feel about you. I love you."

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