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This was supposed to be out on his birthday but it took a little longer than expected so it has unnecessary birthday stuff in it
Also I don't know anything about what it's like to be a florist so I might have got some things wrong with that sorry.
  This was based on a prompt but I can't remember where I found it ;-;;


Today was quiet as usual. You worked in a small flower shop that rarely had any customers so you just spent the majority of your shift aimlessly scrolling through your phone or reading a book. It got boring at times, but there was something about being amongst the array of different flowers, each giving off their own feel and vibrant colours, that made the long hours of nothing worthwhile.

"How do I passive aggressively say 'fuck you' with flowers?" You jump at the sound of someone slamming their hand into the counter, your hands automatically snapping your book shut. A man around your age with black hair and a glare cutting right through you stood on the other side of the counter, a £20 note scrunched up in his hand.

"Oh - yeah - sure." You were still taken back by his sudden appearance as you were too engrossed in your book to hear him enter and along with him requesting flowers meaning 'fuck you,' your needed a minute to gather your thoughts. Most people requested cuter things like 'I miss you' or "I love you,' but those started to seem quite simple and generic after you had done the such similar bouquets over and over, so this was a nice change.

"I guess I could do orange lilies and some geraniums. That'd be hatred and stupidity," you muttered to yourself, looking around the room for inspiration."Ooh! Some yellow carnations some foxglove and some meadowsweet - ok, I've got it." You clapped your hands together before hopping out from behind the counter to find the needed flowers. The whole time, the man stood silently, tapping his fingers against his leg impatiently. You could almost see the steam coming from his ears, like a kettle that was just about to start ringing. You wondered what someone had done to get the man so angry.

"What's your name, Sir?" You asked, trying to speak as formally as possible, he was a customer after all, but you also didn't want to tip him over the edge and have him lash out at you. Even though he was quite small, you knew you wouldn't stand much chance against him.

"Jihoon." He replied coldly, but after hearing the harshness in his voice, his face immediately softened. "Sorry, I'm just really mad right now," he apologised, his voice much gentler now, and his hand no longer tapping against his leg.

"It's ok," you reassured him with a smile. "Who are the flowers for? If you don't mind me asking." The words had slipped out of your mouth before you could fully comprehend what you were saying. It was something that you usually asked your customers, but this didn't feel like the same kind of situation. "Uh - you don't have to answer that." You added awkwardly.

"They're for my soon to be ex," he spat, the bitterness returning to his voice but not just as strong. Jihoon wasn't really one to openly talk about his feelings, preferring to write them into a song, but now he had the urge to just spill everything to someone he has never met before.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Yeah," he replied. "Caught them cheating." You could tell he was restraining himself from telling you anymore.

"You can tell me if you want - you don't have to hold back." You didn't even know why you were saying anything more, but you felt drawn to him more than other customers. Just from his request you knew he wouldn't be like the rest of your customers and it made you want to know more about him.


Nearly twenty minutes later you had all the flowers for Jihoon's bouquet ready and were just getting started on arranging the flowers. Jihoon had told you all about what had happened with him and his girlfriend. They were supposed to be celebrating their anniversary today, but he found out she was cheating on him thanks to his friend who was at the same party she was.

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