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  This is another request by my friend LeadSheepInChina  ~~ thanks for requesting and sorry it took so long ;0;;


  "For the last time, (y/n)! You've got to actually try!" your P.E. teacher fumed from across the games hall.

  You bit your lip harshly, holding back your anger. You had been trying your hardest in the game of basketball you and your classmates were playing. It wasn't your fault sports wasn't your strong point, it's not like there was much chance for you to get the ball anyway as your teammates made sure to keep clear of you, not wanting to mess up their chances of winning.

  "ALRIGHT, everyone in!" The coach blew her whistle, the students abandoned the basketballs before idly walking towards the teacher. "I'm glad to see /most/ of you putting in the needed effort," they stated once everyone was reasonably close. It was obvious that they were talking about you, the teacher seemed to like everyone else.

  "Exams are nearing," the teacher continued, her eyes scanning briefly over every student before they rested on you, "so don't think that P.E. will be any different from the other subjects, there will be no slacking off." Just as she finished, the bell rung signalling the end of the period and the end of the school day. 

  You sighed, 'now I've got to get changed in my own time.' Bitterly, you made your way out of the games hall and towards the locker rooms with the rest of the students, but you were quickly interrupted by your teacher calling you back.

  "(Y/n), I'd like you to stay back," she ordered. "You need all the help you can get, so I've arranged for extra lessons.

  "What?" you exclaimed in protest. Surely they should have asked you before hand.

  "Your tutor will be here soon," the teacher continued, ignoring your protests, "so you better at least try to care."

  You watched the teacher walk out of the hall, leaving you alone. 'I could easily leave,' you thought to yourself, but instead of leaving you bitterly sat down on a bench against the wall, you were already on the teachers bad side so you didn't want to get into any trouble.

  A few minutes passed and you began debating again on whether you should leave, but just as you had decided on going home, the double doors into the hall swung open revealing your tutor.

  He was a student, maybe your year or the year above, with short, jet black hair. They weren't wearing their gym clothes, instead they were dressed in a plain white sweater and black jeans. Once they spotted you they smiled a wide, gummy smile as they waved excitedly in your direction.

  "I'm Seungcheol," they told you. "And you're (y/n), right?"

  "Oh - uh - yeah," you reply awkwardly, jumping off of the bench and making your way towards him.

  "Good," he smiled. "Ok shall we start?" Seungcheol clapped his hands together once, looking around the room for a ball. Once he had a ball, he threw it at you with more force than intended, the ball smashed right into your face, making you fall on to the hard ground behind you.

  "Oh shit - sorry." Seungcheol rushed towards you and gently removed your hands from covering your face. "Are you ok?" he asked, but it was obvious that you weren't. Blood was covering your hands and still streaming from your nose, dripping onto your legs. Luckily you hadn't broke your nose.

  Seungcheol quickly removed his sweater, revealing the black t-shirt he was wearing underneath, although you wouldn't be complaining if he didn't have the t-shirt. He quickly placed the sweater over your nose to stop the bleeding.

  "I'm so sorry - pinch your nose right there - yeah - can you stand up?" Words rushed out of Seungcheol's mouth as he helped you off of the ground and lead you out of the games hall.


  "You don't need to stay now, Seungcheol. I'm not badly hurt," you told the still concerned male. The school nurse had cleaned you up and checked for other injuries. Now you felt fine but the nurse had insisted that you stay awhile so she could be one hundred percent sure that you were ok.

  "No, it's my fault, I should stay with you," he insisted, taking a seat next to you on the clean white sheets.

  "Ok, (y/n), you should be fine to go now," the nurse walked towards the two of you, a gleaming smile on her face, probably because she knew she'd get home soon. You nodded politely and stood up.

  "I'm sorry for keeping you in so long. Is there anyone I can call to pick you up? Your parents?" The nurse continued.

  "No need. I'll take her home," Seungcheol smiled back at the nurse, placing a hand on your shoulder.

  "Seungcheol, you don't have to, really,"

"Nah, it's fine. I want you to make sure that you get home safely," he turned his smile towards you, which you gratefully returned.


  "(Y/n), I want to make this up to you," Seungcheol told you as you neared your house.

  "Don't worry. You already have," you reassured him.

  "If you keep being so nice, then I won't have an excuse to ask you out," laughed Seungcheol, looking at his feet as his face began to heat up slightly.

  "Then you don't need an excuse," you said, your face also flushing, but your eyes stayed on his.

  "Ok," he looked back up at you, regaining his confidence. "Will you go on a date with me?"

  "I'd love to."

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