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  This was a prompt request I revived for 64. "If you can't sleep...we could have sex?" lmao it's not a smut I promise


"Y/nnnn~! Open up!" You heard a voice calling as they bashed their hand against your door. Normally it would be a frightening experience, but you recognised the voice immediately - it was the voice of your best friend Wen Junhui.

"What is it?" you questioned, raising your eyebrows as you opened the door.

"I've come to visit you!" Jun exclaimed, walking into your small apartment and collapsing on your sofa. His words were slurred and he smelt strongly of alcohol. You sighed to yourself before closing the door and sitting down next to him.

For the next few minutes you sat in silence. You had went back to enjoying your book but you could feel Jun's eyes watching your own as they moved across the page.

"What?" you asked, glaring at him out of the corner of your eye. Honestly, you couldn't be bothered dealing with Jun right now, especially in his current state, but it's not like you could just kick him out - he is your best friend after all and you kind of don't want him dead.

"I'm I not allowed to look at my best friend?" Jun laughed, pretending to be taken back by your words.

"Nope," you sighed, returning your attention to your book.

"That's not fair," he pouted. "You're too beautiful not to look at," he slurred, leaning closer to your face.

Jun was a flirt, and even more so when he was drunk, so it wasn't like you weren't used to it by now, but you still couldn't help the light blush that covered your face.

"Whatever." You gently pushed him away. "I'm going to get you some water. You'll need something to drink," you told him as you got off of the couch and made your way into the kitchen, Jun following quickly behind. He watched as you poured him a glass of water and carefully handed it to him. Some of the water spilled onto the floor as Jun lifted the glass to his mouth, but he didn't seem to notice.

You quickly wipe the water off of the floor before standing back up and telling Jun, "I'm going to bed now. Make sure not to spill more water, then make yourself comfortable on the couch."


Ten minutes later, you were comfortably tucked into your bed under the piles of blankets and pillows that took up the majority of the room. You had wondered if it was a good idea to leave Jun to his own devices in your house as you slept, and had decided that it definitely was not.

'I'll deal with whatever he'll break in the morning,' you lazily thought to yourself, snuggling closer into your duvet.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, gentle footsteps making their way from the door to the side of your bed. You flipped on to your other side and came face to face with Jun, your noses just about touching and a wide grin on his face.

"Jun, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to sleep?"

"Not in my bed you're not." You stated, turning away from him and hugging the duvet tightly.

"But I'm too tall for your couch," he wined, scooting closer to you and wrapping his arm around your waist. "Plus you didn't even give me a blanket."

"Fine," you sighed, giving into Jun. There's not much point to arguing with him. Jun smiled to himself once you gave in, snuggling even closer into your back.


The two of you lay together for what felt like hours to you, but in reality was only around twenty minutes. Jun had quickly fallen asleep, but kept waking up to move into a more comfortable position and wrap his arm back around you as you kept throwing it off.

You, on the other hand, lay stiff and uncomfortable, your face flushed, the blankets piled on top of you didn't seem like a good idea anymore, but even if you only had a thin sheet you wouldn't feel any better as that wasn't the real reason for your discomfort. It was Jun. You've had him stay over before, but you've never let him into your bed, and now here he was tucked in, extremely drunk and hugging you tightly.

"Hmm? Can't get to sleep?" Jun muttered, stifling a yawn.

"No," you whispered back.

"If you can't sleep...we could have sex?"

"Jun, what the fuck?"

"Well, it was worth a try," he yawned, unbothered. "Not like I don't already know how you feel about me."

"How do I feel about you?" you questioned, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.

"You don't like me, but it's ok, I've excepted that." He removed his arm from around your shoulder, putting both arms under his head.

"If course I like you, Jun!" you insisted, turning so you could face him properly. "You're my best friend -"

"- I don't mean like that." He took a deep breath before turning on to his side, facing away from you. "I love you, (y/n)," he added, his voice barely a whisper. You opened your mouth to reply, but you could already see that Jun's shoulders were moving in a slow, steady pace. He was already asleep.

"I love you too, Jun."

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