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Requested by: LeadSheepInChina


"Give him three days. No texting, no calling. Nothing," your friend Mingyu suggested, filling the long but comfortable silence in the room as you both ate your way through a large tub of ice cream.

"Won't he think that I'm ending it? That I don't like him anymore?" you asked, shifting your body slightly so you could rest your head on Mingyu's shoulder, your legs folding at your other side.

That day, only a few hours before your conversation with Mingyu, you and your boyfriend Seungcheol had an argument. It wasn't common for you two to have arguments, but if you did they were only small and meaningless, but this one was different. You could feel the tension in the air whenever you were around Seungcheol growing stronger and stronger over the past few weeks. You tried talking to him, but you began feeling a small bubble of anger inside of you whenever you were close, so you tried your best to stay away from him. One of you eventually snapped, the other snapping back, and soon enough you were both screaming at each other your arms flailing about above your heads.

"Yeah. That's the point, (y/n). Once he sees you're gone, he'll see how serious you are," Mingyu explained, before taking a large spoonful of ice cream and shoving it into his mouth. He swallowed before continuing, "and if he doesn't text you, you'll know he doesn't care."

You paused for a moment to think. For nearly three years now you had both been completely head over heels for each other, the other members going as far as to say that you are probably each others soulmate, the mum and dad of your friends, holding the family in place, but now every small thing he did irritated you. Maybe you did need some time away from him. Just a few days.

"Ok then. Just three days. I can do that."


  The first day was harder than you thought it would be. You desperately wanted to rush over to Seungcheol's apartment so you could talk everything over and put the argument to the side, but at the same time, you were determined to stick to what Mingyu had said. Three days of nothing. You just have to wait for him to come back to you.

By the second day you still had no contact with Seungcheol. Your disappointment grew every time you checked your phone, hoping that you had missed the buzz of your phone and he was waiting for your reply. Every time there was nothing.

The third day was coming to an end. Almost 72 hours had passed since you last spoke to your boyfriend, and it was clear the way that things were going that he wouldn't be your boyfriend much longer.

"I'm sorry, (y/n)." Mingyu, who had came over as soon as he found out you hadn't gotten any texts, gently rubbed small comforting circles onto your shoulder before pulling you in for a hug.

"Don't be - at least I know now how much I actually meant to him," you pointed out, returning the hug.

"Yeah. Jeonghan told me he tried to get him to talk to you, but he refused -" Mingyu was cut of by a buzz coming from your phone. You hurriedly picked it up and unlocked it, only to see a notification telling you that your timer had finished.

That was it. Three days.

  You had told yourself over and over. 'Don't worry - he'll call soon. I know it. He's just busy right now. He still loves me, I'm sure of it.' But now you realise just what you actually mean to him.

"Maybe you should block his number?" Mingyu suggested, his voice lower and more sympathetic than before. "So he can't come crawling back later."

"Yeah," you nodded, biting your lip as you opened his contact, pausing for one small minute before pressing 'block.'


On the fourth day Seungcheol unlocked his phone, swiping along to his texts and clicking on your name.

'I'm ready to talk when you are.'

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