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Soulmate AU where you can feel each others physical pain


You can tell a bit about someone from their injuries. If they're careful or clumsy, what their hobbies are. For example, you could tell that your soulmate done some sort of sport. There was often a dull ache in your muscles even if you've done nothing, so your soulmate was the only other explanation. They really trained too much in your opinion, but there wasn't anything you could do to help that just yet.

It wasn't just the pain from exercising that your soulmate passed on to you, but also a more welcoming pain. One day during school you felt a pinch on your arm. You brushed it off as nothing, just thinking that your soulmate had some particularly annoying classmates, and continued with your work. Although he did actually have some particularly annoying classmates, they weren't the reason for the continuous pinching that you felt for the next few minutes. It was starting to get annoying and you couldn't really concentrate with the constant pain in your arm so you decided to pinch them back to see what would happen, hoping that they would stop, and to your surprise the pinching stopped immediately.

Unknown to you there was a boy in a school at the other end of town who was, to the amusement and confusion of his classmates, excitedly jumping up and down in his seat. He knew what you had meant when you pinched him and to be honest the only reason he pinched you in the first place was to see if you'd react, but he didn't expect it to actually work.

After that, pinching became how you would communicate. If you wanted him to stop practicing and rest, if either of you were in a particularly boring class and just wanted something to distract yourself. The light pinch on your arm became your favourite part of the day. Without your soulmate knowing, they comforted you when you were down and you hoped that you done the same for them.


Currently you're sitting in a crowded hall in one of the many packed rows of chairs. Your close friend Jun was taking part in a dance show and had invited you to come and watch it. Even though you weren't the best dancer in the world, you still enjoyed watching others do what you couldn't.

You were excited to watch Jun dance as you know how good of a dancer he is, but once he came onto the stage your eyes were immediately glued to someone other than your friend. A unfamiliar boy with dyed blond hair and a determined gleam in his eyes that you could clearly see even from quite a far distance. There was something about him and the way he danced that made you unable to take your eyes off of him.

During the dance you saw the boy fall to the ground quite hard when there was a part of the dance on the floor. 'That must've hurt.' You thought to yourself. And you were right. It did. You felt it a second later in your right knee - the same knee you saw hit the ground to hard.

Could this boy be you're soulmate? Nah, it's probably just a coincidence. You thought, but there was something at the back of your mind that kept telling you he was, so you decided to test his pain to prove your suspicions. You roughly bit down on your lip, watching closely to see any change in his expression. His face screwed up for only a second, but you saw it clearly.

So it's him.

  The rest of the dances went by in a blur and soon enough it was over. As soon as the last song played and the applause was over you jamp up from your seat and went as fast as you could backstage navigating yourself through the body's of the dancers and their family. It wasn't long until you spotted him laughing with the 3 boys he was dancing with. One of them being Jun and the other two being unfamiliar and at the moment unimportant.

You tapped the boy gently on the shoulder. He turned around and smiled politely at you although you could tell that like the boys behind him he was confused by the sudden appearance of a stranger. Other than Jun, of course, who was still slightly confused, but greeted you warmly nevertheless.

What do you say now? You hadn't planned anything in your head, only that you'd have to talk. Could you just say 'Hey! I'm you're soulmate' or is that weird? Panicking, unable to think of anything else, you pinched your arm. The same place you had been pinching for a few years now. His expression changed immediately to one of shock as he clutched his arm, but it quickly changed to a wide smile. His friends had caught on to what was happening and were laughing and joking with each other about it. The boy took you by the hand and gently dragged you away from the group to somewhere you could talk in peace.

"My name's Kwon Soonyoung," he smiled, leading you over to a row of chairs placed against the corner of the room.

"I'm (y/l/n) (y/n)," you smiled back, taking a seat next to him. "I really liked your dancing."

"Really? I was extra nervous today though, probably because you were watching."

"Then maybe soon you can show me your dancing again so I can see your full potential."

"It's a date."


I'm sorry this one sucks but I'm obsessed with soulmate aus rn so I had to post it :))

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