Chapter Twenty One

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Question for the UK fans: What day does it come back for us? I know it returns on a Friday but is that same day for us or...? like, I don't want to miss it! I usually watch mine online (since I came into the fandom later) and I don't know when the new episode will be posted on the site I watch it on, please help!


HOOK POV: (Surprise)

Ah, Storybrooke. The place I've been trying to get to since the damn curse broke. It's the place where the bloody crocodile lives and of course, Jewel. Though, I suspect she's still pissed at me for leaving her in the crocodile's cell and fighting against her instead of with her. I admit, I did some stupid things but I pledge an allegiance with whoever got me to Storybrooke first. At first, it seemed like it was going to be Cora...but I realise my mistake, I should have trusted Jewel. But then again, Jewel would have stopped me getting my revenge and that, I cannot allow. But, is my revenge even worth it?

Of course, it is!

That damn crocodile not only took my first love away from me (though I don't really care about her since I now have Jewel...but still), he also took away my hand making things a lot harder for me. So now, he has to pay. And all I can picture is his head on a silver platter. 

But it seems like I will have to wait a bit longer as Cora told me -- more like demanded me -- to stay by the ship and keep an eye out whilst she 'observes' Storybrooke and its people. Apparently, we need a 'plan' before we go charging in...she seriously needs to understand that I'm a pirate and we don't have plans. Whenever we want something, we go right ahead and take it, no plan needed. But she stopped me by using her dark magic which means only one thing...magic is here and that means the crocodile will have his which complicates things.

"Ah, I see you're done 'observing' the town"  I state blowing on my freshly sharpened Hook. 

Cora smiled. "My daughter and granddaughter have done well, they've protected the town good. But not good enough. I was able to penetrate a few things..." 

"Do you really have to use the term penetrate?" I raise my eyebrow standing up. "I'm a pirate and even I don't use that term like that"

Cora scoffed. "You ready to cause a little mayhem or what?"

"Now I'm interested" I smirk. 

"Good, because I have the perfect plan to start with"

Jewel POV:

"Focus mother, you're never going to get it if you don't concentrate," I tell her as she closes her eyes in frustration. For the past hour, my mum has been trying to get her magic to work by doing something simple like turning the light on. And we were both getting frustrated. "You have it in you, what's going wrong?"

Regina sighs and leans back on the couch. "I don't know, last night I nearly got it"

"Last night the bulb blew and I don't know whether that was you or the fact that we needed a new bulb"

"Then maybe it's because my heart isn't it"

I wave my hand lighting the fireplace since it was getting chilly in here and sat next to her. It was then I realised how worn out she was, her shoulders were slumped, her once bright eyes were now dull and she had dark circles under her eyes. Oh, my. 

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