The Artist

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Africa was a beautiful place, especially at night when the earth pulled the sun into the horizon. I always watched the beautiful scene. Birds like young curious children always followed the sun to know where it went when the horizon swallowed it. Several minutes later the sun was no more. The sky had become a large blanket of darkness.
Darkness suddenly took hold of me. I felt its cold embrace, it brought back memories the demon who had embraced me in hell. In a distance I saw the light of the distant city. I looked up at the night sky and observed the beauty of darkness. It was without the moon and void of stars. My lips slowly curved into a smile as I rested my head in the wet grass. Suddenly, a voice cracked through my mind. It was he; the devil. I laughed in pain as I reached for the small paper bag in which I kept the magic ash which repelled the devil. It was the only thing I left Joseph's house with. The only thing apart from the bag of money. I dipped my hand into the bag and blew the ash into the air. The voice ceased and silence returned to me. She laid next to me and together we enjoyed the beauty of darkness.

I held the paper bag in my hands. The precious ash it contained was less than a handfull. I had been using it for the past week about eight times a day. It was then I realised I needed more and quick. The devil will be back and he finally gets in I will have to pay for my bad behaviour. Images formed in my mind; the devil had nothing to do with that it was the invention of my frigthened mind.

A couple of minutes later, the dark sky began weeping. Within seconds I was wet. As I walked into the small house I had acquired, the voice cracked through my mind again. I staggered into the house unwillingly and the the door shut loud behind me. Immediately the lights went off. I could feel my skull breaking as my mind expanded in pain. I smashed myself so hard into the door it leaned sidewards in pain.
"I thought we had an arrangement." The voice screamed. I smashed the door again this time knee first. The door swung open and I found myself in the wet grass. With all my strength I crawled towards the spot I had laid and enjoyed darkness. My fingers ran through the grass as I searched for the paper bag of ash. The rain was still coming down hard. I grabbed the back and dipped my hand inside. It was then I realised I had no more ash. The ash had become a little cluster of black mud. The voice laughed then I saw no more.

I awoke in bright room naked and chained to a bed. A man in a white gament walked in he had a young goat in his arms. The man's face shone bright and his dark hair gave his face a jewish look.
"The goat." He called out looking at me. I was baffled so I choose to remain quiet. "I learned you are causing a lot of trouble." He took out a knife from his robe. I had the feeling I had when I first died. This time it felt worse because I was fully aware of awaited me. "But that's your problem with he who sent you." He held the goat upside down and dore through its belly. Its intestines dropped out splashing blood on his white garment. "You will help me summon the she goat spirit of venus." He moved towards me and began inscribing symbols on me with the blood. He drew a large pentagun on my dorso and below it he drew five stars. He traced a line from my toes to my groin with the goats blood. He did so on both feet. On my arms he traced from my fingers to my shoulder.
"Is this safe?" I asked him. I was aware of the dangers involved when summonings are not done probally. The spirits never leave without a soul. He ignored me.

On the floor he traced about four concentric circles and wrote 'libera nos Domine' around the first. Around the last he wrote 'Messias x Hanael x Messias'. He then placed five candles around the third circle. He switched off the light then moved into the inner circle. I tried to stop him but I lost control of myself. The possession began but this time I was awake. My body went into a violent state in the process. My wrist began bleeding as I struggled to free myself. Suddenly I became motionless and began speaking in the language of the wise, latin.
"......" Again and again before entering a momentary pause. "I conjure thee, by visible and holy temple of Solomon, which he prepared for the holy Creator himself. I conjure thee; Venus the beautiful Queen of the nighy sky. Appear before this circle. Come to give but not to take. You shall do no harm to any of the Creator's creation and you shall leave when driven." The candle lights went off and darkness fell upon the room. I felt suddenly sleepy. Flashes of light began appearing in the room. Slowly the flashes became figures of women dancing.

The women arranged themselves around the exterior circle the man had drew. They illuminated the room so bright I couldn't see my feet. The women screamed and music began playing. Like they had appeared so they disappeared but the music remained. The darkness was brief another figure appeared, a naked woman, she walked over to me stared at my face and became a goat. The candle lights came on and I began speaking involuntary "It is done. Here lies Venus, the queen of the night star. Lay with her and like her beauty men won't be able to resist your music."
The man looked confused but he didn't complain. He took off his white robe and had sex with the goat next to me. I looked into the animal's eyes as it screamed in pleasure. The man was in pain. I wondered what type of fame was worth this degradation of oneself.

"You must love this she goat like yourself because when it feels neglated Venus will return. When she returns she will make you sing praises to her for eternity." The words popped out of my mouth then I saw no more.

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