The Curse ●●

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"Daddy..." The little girl called out to the man as he crawled away from her in pain "... what's wrong? I thought you said you loved me."

"Lizzy... honey... please don't touch me." The man begged. His face became purple exposing his fear.

"But Daddy I watched my hands see." Lizzy was now two feet from her frightened father. She stretched her exposed palms towards his purple face. The closer they got the more purple his wrinkled face became.

"You brought me here to watch this!" I yelled at Dr. Eleanora who for some reason was enjoying the unfolding events. "Answer me! What kind of person are you?!" Dr. Eleanora kept quiet as she watched Lizzy terrify her father.

"Touch me." Lizzy placed her finger on her father's bald head. Instantaneously, cockroaches forced out of his mouth, nostrils and ears. The insects moved fast across his face with their small jointed legs. The man tried to scream but cockroaches muffled his scream. The insects gathered around Lizzy's pink sneakers, 'yukk' she mumbled as she crushed the insects under her sneakers. I just stood still watching her. Each time she crushed a cockroach, the sharp sound sent chills up my spine.

"The Goat this is madness right! That girl is cursed-" Dr. Eleanora finally spoke out.

"Who cursed her? The devil right." I spat back. "I'm tired of him-"

"Watch what you say. During your appointment you didn't protest and there is no way out now." I saw a strange look in her eyes. "You got another task to complete here-"

"She is bad." Lizzy was now approaching me; fast. "She is evil." I was trapped in confusion. Both of them were evil, like most women. Most women are born with it.

"Don't listen to her-" Dr. Eleanora had began moving away; She too was afraid of Lizzy. I followed close to her; sticking close to her side. I admired her pink lips, for some reason I wanted to kiss them. I would have if we had survived Lizzy. "Get me out of here."

"Are you talking to me?"

"No! I'm talking to him." The devil rarely helped people after he had finished using them.

"He is going to let you die." A wave of confusion and fear struck her. "He always let them die at the end. You are not the first."

"Get me out of here!" Dr. Eleanora screamed repeatedly. The closer Lizzy got the louder she screamed but help was not coming from below.

"You made this happen." Lizzy whispered as she grabbed Dr. Eleanora's white lab coat. In a minute she struggled out of it. She looked pretty without the blood stained lab coat. Her black bra struggled to keep her large breasts up. I thought of helping her, looking at the woman and the man on the floor with cockroaches flooding out of them, I reconsidered.

"Please don't do this." Dr. Eleanora pleaded as Lizzy chased her around the dusty church. She pushed over seats trying to keep the little girl away. "Help me." I looked into her cute eyes; her face wore a terrified look; the same terrified look the faces of the men carried when she drained life out of them. "No!" She screamed as she lost her step falling next to Lizzy. In panic she crawled away into the cockroaches erupting out off Lizzy's shaky father's mouth.

"You did this to me!" Lizzy grabbed Dr. Eleanora's leg. I turned my face away; I couldn't bare the sight of cockroaches crawling out of Dr. Eleanora's pink lips, the same lips I had imagined myself kissing. The thought made me sick. Opening my mouth to spit out my disgust I felt someone breathing heavily before me. "I can help you." Lizzy's words felt on me like a bus.

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