Death ●●●

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The evening was cold and as always the House of God was a free spot to evade the cold. Where else could a stranger go. The young man entered the church house, it his amazement it was dark. Maybe the Pastor is somewhere trick-or-threating he thought. It was Halloween, everyone was out having fun. Most people had scary costumes on, only few of them knew the significance of the ritual they were performing.

Halloween had begun as a ceremony whereby humans dressed up so as to hide themselves from the numerous demons which took trips from hell to earth. The man too had dressed up, like a goat. Two black horns a mask and a long hairy tail. He wasn't dressed just for Halloween, there was another ritual he had to perform in the church house. But for the moment he just wanted to get a little heat. He had just left hell and the cold was killing him. It a couple of minutes some of his friends will be joining him.

"Lizzy." He called out.

"Master." A female voice responded.

"Light up the candles. Tom is dead but The Goat isn't!" A smile formed on his face as he moved towards the altar. "Tom." A wave of excitement struck him as he squatted next to dead body. "Lizzy why does he smell so female like?"

"That's not him master. He's over here." Lizzy called out. "Watch your step, there several others on the floor with a pools a roaches."

"You had fun." The man laughed. He sounded like an old wooden chair at the verge of breaking.

"They didn't want to touch me." Lizzy sounded sad for a moment, the next moment she was laughing.

"Tom, Tom, Tom. If only you had listen. Thank you for being such an asshole, now is my turn, right Lizzy." Lizzy nodded. "All we need to transfer his authority as the Goat to me is a female human sacrifice." The man looked around curiously. He then rested his shaky blue albino eyes on Lizzy.

"I can get someone-" Lizzy began sensing the eminent danger.

"That's gonna take so long and we don't wanna keep those devils in hell waiting. It's Halloween remember." He brought out a knife from his coat and slit Lizzy's throat. Blood oazed out her throats staining her pink sneakers red. The cockroaches which were coming out of Tom's throat feed off Lizzy's blood like kids scrambling for ketchup. Lizzy's blood was just as thick.

It is finished. The voice cracked through the albino's brain. The contract was done, and like the others it was irreversible.

Minutes later, the albino was out of the church. "I am the Goat." He chanted as he walked down the decorated Halloween streets. He had just set all hell lose, just for the night.

                    The                End

Happy Halloween

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