The Surgeon ●●●

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"Okay, calm down. All of you are going to die by the way. It doesn't matter who goes first." I watched her as she examined a metallic rod with a spherical tip. She placed it in her pocket alongside a small hammer.

"Her first." The men said ensemble.

"Why?" Dr. Eleanora asked.

"Ladies before gentlemen." One of the men answered. Dr. Eleanora's face became red with anger. A second later, she laughed. The men laughed with her or tried to.

"You are right." She walked over to the man who had replied with confidence. "The only problem is they are no gentlemen in this room." Fastening his head harder unto the metallic chair, she laughed. The men kept quiet this time, their hearts pounding hard against their rib cages; they shouldn't have laughed.

"I'm sorry..." the man had began begging. His body was so tightly attached to the chair that he couldn't move a muscle. Urine left his manhood and collected in a small pool beneath his feet.

"That's nasty. Grandpa didn't pee on himself, even my junior brother wouldn't and he is only four." She covered her nose with a surgical mask. "You are going to hear some loud sounds, really loud sounds." With the hammer she forced the metallic rod into the man's left ear. With each blow, the rod descended into the man's ear causing him to scream in pain; eventhough his scream was no louder than whisper. The effects of hunger.

Tears ran down his face, the pool of urine beneath his feet grew larger in size; I could feel his pain but it was becoming fun watching his soul been squeezed out of his mortal body.

Within a couple of minutes, blood began trickling out of his ear but Dr. Eleanora just kept on hammering.

"Have you received the soul?" She halted then continued. Someone was probably doing the collection but I didn't know who.

The man was still crying but it wasn't tears coming out of his eyes it was blood. It had began coming out of his nostrils but Dr. Eleanor just kept on hammering.

"That took longer than expected." She smiled as she returned the hammer to her pocket. "Okay Mr. McKlay it's your turn. How do you wish to die?"

"Fuck you." Mr. McKlay spat on her face.
"You shouldn't have done that." Dr. Eleanor brought out the hammer from her pocket and dislocated his jaw bone, freeing some teeth in the process. "I try to be nice and you can't appreciate it." She walked over to her tray and returned with a pair scissors. Mr. McKlay's mouth had dropped open exposing his tongue. With the pair scissors, Dr. Eleanor brought out his tongue. Blood filled his mouth and slowly began overflowing unto his neck and chest, staining his white gown.

Dr. Eleanor closed his nostrils with her fingers causing him to choke to death. She then spat into his open mouth.

"How does it thirst?!" Mr. McKlay's corpse stayed quiet like all corpses should.

Dr. Eleanora returned to her surgical toys. She spoke to herself as she examined the shiny pieces of metal:

"What do you mean by three souls are okay for now?" She halted. "The Goat is fine, I'm saving him for last." I was The Goat. I was the main event of Dr. Eleanora's soul capture. After what I had just witnessed I couldn't feel any worse. "I should let him live!" I didn't care who or what she was talking with as long as it coukd save me from her madness. "Okay, I don't think he is the kind of salvatore you should be using but you know better."

I felt happy as Dr. Eleanora approached me. She took off her surgical cloves before unbelting me from the metallic chair. My muscles ached, I wondered how long I had been rendered motionless. I wanted to punch her pretty smile off her face but she moved her lips towards mine and kissed me. Her tongue crept into my mouth, it tickled me then I saw no more.

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