The sick mother

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I found myself in a little confined white space. I had a suit on and a black suitcase rested by my side. It seemed to stain the white floor on which it laid. I smelt expensive but I felt like a slave whose freedom had been ceased from him.
"Are you Okay?" A voice inquired from outside. I woke up in a struggle almost falling into the toilet pot behind me.
"What am I doing in a toilet?!" I yelled confused. Pushing the toilet door open, I smashed the lad outside to the floor. The pale kid crawled out of the room in fright. I followed behind the kid. "Hey!" I called out as I staggered out of the toilet into the hallway. "A hospital, so many people are gonna die." I said to myself. The voice cracked through my mind again, the pain was just as worse as the last. I leaned against the wall. I tried my best to keep calm but I couldn't. The possession never occured without leaving a mark on me.

I forced myself into the wall so hard I almost went through it. My feet and arms began moving back and forth uncontrollably. A small crowd of people had gathered around trying to bring me to the ground safely. "Let me be." I screamed involuntary in a deep metallic voice scaring most of the people away. Those who ignored the scream retreated with broken limbs as I shoke them off crashing their bodies hard into the opposite wall. Two nurses had arrived the scene. The male had an exposed syringe in his hands. He tried his best to hold the pointy object still but his hand trembled in fear. A man ran through the hallway towards me with a book in his hands. "In the name of Jesus I command you..." He pushed away the nurses and grabbed my hand. Sweat pumped out his skin soaking his thick beard. "... show yourself!" I felt my face warm up and immediately the man collapsed to the floor.
"He has seen the face of he who sent you. You made the wrong choice." The little voice filtered through the terrified voices of those experiencing my possession. It was a little girl on a wheel chair. Her eyes were large and perfectly white. Looking into her eyes I felt relief the pain in my head died.

The nurse forced the needle into my neck and I saw no more.

I awoke again in the same small white confinement; the hospital toilet. It seemed someone had just restarted the moment. Before I could rise to my feet the voice crept into my mind. The possession was brief this time and less painful. "You need to stop resisting." It said to me. "You don't want people to find out where you are from."

As I walked into the hallway I still couldn't figure out the difference between my thoughts and reality. My world seemed to have become a mixture of both. Most people in the hallway looked at me awkwardly. They looked familiar but not from my past life. I tried to recreate the events which just happened a few moments back but all I could feel was the pain. A little voice crept into my mind and tried telling me something but the devil's large metallic voice overshadowed it.

I walked into a room. About twelve old people laid on white beds waiting for the angel of death to carry their souls to the Creator. They all seemed anxious, even those who knew hell was their next stop. If only I could describe what hell felt like to them they would beg to life a second longer. Some had loved ones seated next to them. Loved ones who never loved them. Keeping a suffering person on life support is nothing other than evil. "There she is." The voice spoke, ushering me to an old lady. Her sons, twin sat next to her.
"You have come." She said to me in joy as she stared into my dark face. "Excuse us will you." The two boys left their dying mother reluctantly.
"Do you know him?" One asked his brother as he stared back. The other shoke his head in denial.

The mother called back her boys and kissed them for the last time.

"Where are the papers?" She demanded. As she sat up in a struggle.
"The papers." I replied as I searched my briefcase. I brought out the paper and placed it in her old shaky hands.
"Pen." She stretched forth her wrinkled arm. The skin lagged down like a dog's tongue.
"Will I be this ugly when I get old?" I asked myself as I handed her the pen.
She took in a deep breath as she brought the pen in contact with the paper. I leaned sideways and tried to read off a couple of words. The title read;
'Soul Arrangement Of The Huddington Family.'
She closed her eyes while she signed the paper. "I hope the devil can do what God couldn't do. Praying never helped me. I don't want my sons to end up like me." She handed the paper to me. I signed it and it burned up instantaneously.

"I am ready." She said as she leaned back. "Now my sons will be predator and not prey. The opressors and no longer the opressed. My family name will be great. I have done what my husband failed to do." She smiled. I switched off the life support by her side and watched the angel of death carry her soul away. I felt sorry for her for I knew her destination. Tears rushed down my face. 'Hell is a terrible place.'

I closed the briefcase and placed the pen into my pocket. I had become the devil's field agent. Signing contracts on his behalf. Several of such contracts had been signed in the past. People had sold their souls to the devil as far back as the days of Seth and Noah. Long before humans realised the world was round and earth wasn't the center of the universe. People always went to the devil went God failed to answer them.

I left the room and the two entered immediately. I could hear their screams from the hallway. Heavy footsteps sounded behind me as one of the boys rushed after me. He grabbed me by the hand and pressed me hard against an adjacent wall. Tears soaked his face with sorrow. He screamed at me but I couldn't hear a word he said. Nothing made sense to me. I grabbed his hands, I felt the pain of his sold soul. If only he knew what his mother had just done to him. "Eric!" The other brother screamed as he ran towards his angry twin. "Come with me you have to see this. Mum left a note. Our lifes are never gonna be thesame again." The two brothers vanished down the hallway slowly. They note seemed to have brought much joy to them. Joy which will be short-lifed. I could feel the demons who hovered above their heads waiting use their mortal bodies.

I walked around the hospital until I arrived at the maternity. From outside I watched how another creation of the Creator came into the world. The child though carried something precious within, a soul. Its mother was covered in sweat and happiness. The father stood by her and together they enjoyed what the Creator had used them to create. I thought of my mother whom had died giving birth to me. She had mever gotten the chance to feel that joy. I still blamed myself for it. She never got the chance to know me. Memories of hell came into my mind. I had never heard a voice like hers in hell, I couldn't even remember how she sound when she screamed for the last time during my birth. Her dying scream was the only thing my ears had ever heard from her. "Was she in heaven or hell?" I was tired of asking myself that. If she was in hell I might never get to see her. Even if I managed to see her, the heat won't let us connect like mother and son. We will just be two burning sinners. If she was in heaven then I heard to look for someone to create the gateway to the Creator's home. I knew that was impossible.

The thought of my mother made me sick. I spat the feeling away. The Huddington brothers meet with me as I walked out of the hospital. From the look in their eyes there was something they needed from me.
"Our mother said you will help us become great. 'He will seal you to your destiny and you will rule forever.' Those were her words." They sounded confident. I knew they will come. The voice in my head had told me so. Now I had to seal their souls and that of their generation to the devil. The Arrangement was far from over.

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