The Curse ●●●

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Coming from her the word sounded like an alien expression. The only way she could help me was by letting me walk out of the church house, untouched. But the look in her stone white eyes puzzled me; she had other plans.

"Get up and leave!" A voice whispered in my head; it sounded like an old man, probably God. God couldn't help me, it was too late for that. The contract had been written, signed and archived as a cloud of ash in the cosmos.

"Don't go. Please." Lizzy's voice was soft and pleasing to the ear. "Pastor James wanted to help you..."

"But like the others he failed." My words couldn't express my frustration.

"No he didn't, he offered himself as a living sacrifice. Thesame thing Jesus did."

"But he's not Jesus, he's not the son of God or did God have more kids."

"Tom, you have to believe me." Lizzy moved closer almost touching me. I dragged myself backward. "Sorry."

"What am I suppose to do?" That's how spiritual help worked; some weird rituals always had to be done.

"You have to honor his dead." Lizzy paused. "I sense something coming. Tom you have to do it quick."

A wave of confusion stroke me. The something Lizzy said was coming didn't scare me. It was why the something was coming that made me shiver.

"How do I honor him?" I was prepared for the worst. As long as it freed me from the spiritual, physical and mental torture I was experiencing. Once more I was ready to roll the dice. Though I felt stupid, I had hope. Failure seemed the most possible outcome but success and freedom was possible.

"You have to take his body and blood. The communion will free your soul. Believe it works that's how he freed his mother." Lizzy walked to the altar and returned with the golden communion cup. She pressed it against the Pastor's bleeding palm and collected some of his warm blood. With her she bit off a chunk of flesh from his wrist. She really cared just like my sister.

She placed the cup of blood and the chunk of flesh before me. I picked up the messy chunk of flesh and forced it into my mouth, without chewing I swallowed.

"Good now the blood." Lizzy encouraged me. I wondered if she had ever tasted this before. "He is here." The phrase pumped adrenaline through my veins and within seconds I emptied the golden cup.

"Everything is fine right! I drank the blood and eat the flesh!" Something was wrong and my screaming couldn't fix it. Like all other times I had failed again and like the others Lizzy too had failed.

"I'm sorry..." tears rushed out of her stone white eyes. "... he is here, you were too late." Like my sister she really wanted to help but couldn't. Everyone who had tried saving me had failed. The contract I had signed seemed unbreakable, even a soul-saving ritual invented by Jesus himself couldn't save me.

"Now what?"

"Now I will have to touch you to save myself." Lizzy smiled. I heard footsteps. He was around. Silence joined us, it was time to say goodbye.

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