The Surgeon ●●

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The sound of the rotating saw made me shiver. Dr. Eleanora struggled to hold the heavy saw in her small hands. I looked into her pretty eyes as she descended the saw towards the old man's skull. The man's mouth was wide open; he seemed to be shouting but I couldn't hear him. Five rotten teeth decorated his dry mouth.

"This might tickle a bit." The drove saw into the man's skull. I heard his soul jump out of him. Blood splashed out of his bald head unto Dr. Eleanora's lab coat. "Foolish old man!" She screamed at the old man's motionless corpse as she withdrew the saw from his head. His eyes were wide open and his tongue had drifted out of his mouth. A portion of his brain had squeezed out of the crack through which blood oazed out continously.

"What do you mean by the soul is gone?!" She dropped the rotating saw to the floor almost chopping off her left leg. Quickly, she returned to the table at the far end of the room on which she had placed her surgical toys. She picked up a piece of paper with blood stained fingers. "Okay." She dropped the paper and returned to us.

"Sorry for the delay." Her voice like her eyes was so loving and peaceful. Looking into her eyes I still couldn't believe she had just ran a saw into an old man's head.

"Why are you doing this?" My question pulled her towards me.

"For he who sent you. It's my own arrangement with him, you know better." She blinked. "I heard you've been causing problems." I felt guilty; she was right, I had been violating the terms of my appointment. I wasn't appointed to play hide and seek with he who sent me. Thoughts of the consequences of my misbehaviour weighed on my mind like African elephants.

"Let's proceed." Dr. Eleanora clapped her hands bringing me back to reality. "We will be doing some adjustments. At the start I forgot to keep the angel of death away from our midst. He just carried the soul of our friend here away." She held the old man's bleeding head in her hand as she unbelted his head from the metallic chair. "I don't know why he never gets tired of collecting souls, bastard!"

She picked up the rotating saw and detached the old man's bleeding head from his cranky body. Blood shot out his throat unto the Dr. Eleanora's face. She wiped it off quietly this time. Like the other five remaining victims I stared in shock. Two of the men had vomitted on their white gowns. The female victim just kept on begging:

"Please let me go."

With the old man's bleeding head she made three concentric circles and a triangle around the seven metallic chairs.
"What kind of withcraft is this?" One of the men mumbled.
"We're all gonna die; slow and painful." Another added. "I shouldn't have come to Italy."

The devil was tossing my around the world like a post card; he was a heartless employer. I just didn't want to die again. It wasn't death I was scared of it was the place I was headed. Hell is a terrible place.

So am gonna die in Italy like Romelus.

"Our soul stealing friend is no longer a problem." She rolled the old man's head into the circle. It left a trace of blood as it rolled on the white floor. Settling below my feet, I could smell his brain as it slowly squeezed out of his skull. "Who wants to go first?" Dr. Eleanora asked as she rubbed her hands together. Death didn't seem to bother her.

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