Death ●●

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I lose my shadow to the darkness. The sun had been dragged into the horizon by some cosmic force. For the first time I was scared of the dark. It's cold fingers brushing against my exposed neck freaked me out. I still couldn't understand why. I couldn't see Lizzy but I knew she was there, right in front of me. I felt her breath bounce off my face. It felt like hot mercury drops.

Silence entered the church house. She knew I was leaving her. I was going to a place where she could no longer visit me. We will no longer be able to enjoy the beauty of serenity. In hell there was noise, the kind of noise that pierced through your ears scratching your brain. Hell is a terrible place.

The darkness shone light unto silence's beautiful face. It was my face time of seeing what she looked like. She was a cosmic wonder. The creator had made her like Thee. The Creator had never wished for man to be lonely. Anytime the light faded and darkness took control, silence kept me company. Looking into her pretty face I realised I had never loved being in the dark, I had loved being with her. I had fallen in love with this cosmic being; Silence. Though everyone knew her in someway, only I connected with her in someway. Love, the foolish feeling.

I love you.
Those three words waited anxiously to squeeze out of my throat but I couldn't say them. I couldn't speak not because I didn't want to but because I didn't have to. If my lips produce even a whistle, Silence will be gone and I will be left with nothing but Lizzy's breath caressing my face. I remained quiet, so Silence remained with me.
Why had I try to play smart? I asked myself. A tear formed in my eye. It crept over my eye lashes and slowly rolled down my cheek. Slowly, it made its way down my face until it was at my chin. Like a feather, it felt to the floor slowly. The little drip sound it produced was enough to chase Silence away for a second. Lizzy's breath flooded my face and the next second Silence came back.

"It's time Tom." Out of the darkness came Lizzy's voice then her left hand. She rested it against my cheek then kissed it. Like Judas  she didn't want to pass me over but she had to. It had to be, it just had to be. Judas knew Jesus knew but it just had to happen. Death always played tricks on humans.

I felt tiny limbs rushing out of my throat pulling my soul our of me. The cockroaches had somehow got a hold of my soul and they were about to present it to the taker. Like the first time, I didn't see Death. I just smelt him as he placed my soul into his large soul-collecting bag.

It is finished.

Happy Halloween...

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