The Pastor

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I awoke to sound screams and shouts crashing into my ears. I looked around in confusion only to see people shouting at the top of their voices with their eyes closed. The only thing I could remember was falling asleep on a hard surface. My eyes ran across the large hall stopping at regular intervals to observe the screaming people. It looked like hell with no fire. My eyes felt on a large wooden cross on a high altar, then I knew where I was. I was in church. The house of God.

"What am I doing here?" I tried to ask myself but the loud voices made me feel dumb. I had wondered into the wrong place.
"Jesus!" The people began screaming together. The name Jesus was all a faithful Christian needed to cast a demon into hell. I looked around and I saw faith clearly written on their faces. Something formed in my throat, I tried to swallow it down but it just wouldn't flush. Sweat pumped out my skin. I had began manifesting. I tried as much as I could not to be identified. I failed, the thing in me wouldn't let me be.
"I don't wanna go back to hell." I screamed. Immediately, two muscular men walked up to me and dragged me to the altar. The altar was the gateway to hell.

Memories of my time in hell played in my mind like 3D horror movies.
"No!" I screamed begging the men to let me be.
"Bring him!" The pastor screamed. He folded up his sleeves; preparing himself for the battle. Like all other Christians in the church he held his Bible tight in his right hand. The Bible was his weapon; I looked around searching for the enemy, then I realised I was the enemy. "I address you; the spirit within!" He screamed as he stretched his Bible towards me. I could smell the pages of the old book as he rested it against my skull. "In the name of Jesus!" The rest of the church joined him to scream the name. "Leave this body!" Something took hold of me; shaking out of the hands of the two muscular men. It took me into midair then slamped me hard into the concrete floor. My sweat trickled down my face on to the floor. I could smell the sweat of  previous demons which had been treated the same way.

Involuntary, I began twisting myself on the floor; almost breaking my bones. Three other men had joined the two men in order to keep me in control. They too were no match for the force inside me. With a glance I sent them flying off the altar.
"I can't stay here." I mumbled as I rose to my feet an ran for the exit. The Christians were so scared of what they had witnessed that none of them tried to stop me.
"Stop! I command you in the name of Jesus!" The pastor's voice drew me to the ground. "Come here, you unclean spirit." Slowly I crept back to the altar; scratching the floor in attempt to scare the pastor. He wasn't. He seemed to have done this a million and one times. I was just another victim to be tamed.

"Fatuus!" I screamed as the pastor brought out his rosary. He made the sign of the cross right in my face. My lips slowly curved into a smile. I didn't know why I was smiling. Tears ran down my eyes. I was going back to hell. "Fatuus!" I screamed the word into the pastor's face again. He didn't understand me but looked undisturbed.
"Pastor can you help me? I say things I don't want to say and do things I don't want to do. Please help me before I do something bad to myself." I stared deep into his blue eyes. He seemed to feel my pain. "Ille est meu!" I screamed involuntary. The pastor smiled.
"It will be well." He placed the rosary on my forehead. I felt it burn into my mind. My terrified scream echoed through the church. "Leave the church house." The pastor ordered his Christians; he didn't want spirits to jump into the bodies of the spiritually weak. When the church was empty he focused on me. With the rosary on my forehead he began shouting a prayer into my face. I felt his words bounce off my face like hot drops of mercury.

"It's almost done." He whispered as he lifted his Bible high and slammed it against my head. The word of God could beat a demon out. Sweat trickled down his face, collecting under his neck. I watched him as he tried to safe my soul. I knew he couldn't; there was no repentance after death. "Lord take back your son!" He screamed.
"Fatuus!" The thing in me screamed again. "I told you he is mine!" The pastor looked frustrated. He began asking God questions. His countenance changed. Something had killed his faith in a second. It seemed God himself had told him there was nothing he could do to save me.
"Why?" He screamed. Tears mixed with sweat trickled into his open mouth. He pushed his Bible and rosary away and looked into his white palms.
"Why wasn't I God?" He asked himself as we wiped his face dry with his sleeves. "If I could be God just for a day." The thought of being the most powerful being in the universe made him smile.

The pastor bounced on me pressing me hard against the floor.
"I used to be an exorcist before becoming a pastor... " He whispered into my left ear. His voice had developed a soft evil tone. "...if God won't forgive you, I will. After all his word says love your neighbor as you love yourself." He bit the rosary cutting the string. The polished dark beads bounced against the hard floor in a rush. He opened his mouth to speak but my touch made him freeze. I had placed two fingers on his forehead. I heard silence walk into the room. She stood behind the pastor. We were about to make a temporal trip to a realm she couldn't. I or should I say the thing in me was about carry us into hell. The pastor tried to grab his Bible but he has too slow. A second passed and we were there. The place full of screams. Where people just kept on burning but never turning to ash.

Hell is a terrible place.

"Jesus! Where are we?" The pastor asked as he pinched his nose. Hell smelled worse than a thousand skinned corpses.
"You are in hell." I feel happy telling him the location. Hell seemed to be the only place I knew.
"Why are we not burning?" He asked in confusion. The red hot liquid shooting out of the dry hot rocky earth was pouring all over our bodies.
"Because we are not actually here." I remembered my first day in hell. The fire ripped my skin off my flesh in seconds.
"Why are we here then? What's in you by the way? I saw the face of a demon I had never seen before. What's it's name?" The pastor was amazed. He couldn't recognise the devil; most humans couldn't; he wasn't just a guy with red skin, two horns and a tail.
"I had an arrangement with the devil. I am his spokesman on earth now."
"Jesus!" The pastor screamed. He tried to walk away from me but couldn't. Finally I saw fear on his face. "That's why I can't safe you."

As I explained my appointment to the pastor, a voice drew his attention. It was the voice of a screaming woman. Tears formed in his blue eyes.
"Mother." The words left his mouth in shame. Things had began to fall in place.
"James! Son!" The woman screamed as she struggled to free herself from the claws of the fire. "Son help me! God has forsaken me!" The pain was evident on her face; which was just two eyes and bands of muscles.
"God did not forsake you! You did this to yourself mother!" Tears had began creeping out his blue eyes.
"Help your mother!" The flames consumed her. Her shouts of pain echoed into the pastor's head. I waited a minute for him to picture clearly his mother's pain. He didn't have to take him long he had seen her ever burning body himself. What kind of son could ignore that; not a pastor.

"You know you can safe her right." I threw my hand across the pastor's shoulder bringing him closer. "Free her from this horrible place. The choice is yours." I heard him sobb. He held his face with his palm. He looked up to the sky but heaven was the other way. A handful of minutes passed then he yield to temptation.
"What do I do?" I looked into his helpless face. He tried to avoid my eyes but couldn't. I saw his eyes become glassy as they formed tears continuously.
"You said you used to practice exorcism right..." I paused. " will have to release all the demons you caged and summon all the demons you flushed down to hell as a pastor. Don't be scared, when you are done you can just pray to God and ask for forgiveness. He will always forgive you. He is all merciful."
The pastor choose to remain silent but silent did not join us. She couldn't come down to hell; the screams never ceased.

"Mother for you I will sin. For you I will indulge in evil but I can never repay you for the gift of life!"

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