The Surgeon ●

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I awoke in a room so bright it absorbed my shadow. The room looked like a place in heaven; only God could make a place so bright. The light was blinding making it difficult for me to study the room. I saw figures seated motionless on chairs. My vision was blurred since my pupils were still adapting to the high light intensity.

Angels! I thought. For a second I was confused. It's either I had died again or I was trapped in a dream. The room was quiet; I could hear nothing but heart beats; the angels were scared of something.

God, I thought; they can't be afraid of God they are afraid of me. I felt worse than the devil. Shutting my eyes hard, tears ran out unto my dark skin; it wasn't my colour they were scared of.

I tried to bring my hand to my face to wipe off the tears pouring out of my eyes but I couldn't. It was then I realised I wasn't in heaven and the six other persons in the room weren't angels. Like me they had been tied firmly unto metallic chairs with leather belts. The metallic chairs had been screwed tightly to the bright tiled floor. There were five men and a woman in the room; the men looked more terrified. The white gowns they had on made them look like christians awaiting baptism. I looked into the ladies weak brown eyes; she probably hadn't eaten for about a week or more. The leather belt which held her head to the chair had been fastened so tight it caused a red parchment on the portion of her skin around the belt.

"Do you know her?" One of the men asked. I could smell the hunger in his voice.

"No. Who is her?" For a moment I thought about Megan. She couldn't be behind this; she had to be some place in hell burning and shouting in pain. The thought made me shiver.

"She said you are special..." the lady spoke; her English poisoned with her Italian accent. Being black wasn't something special, the thought wrinkled my face, "...she said you are the salvatore, the Goat."

"Who are those talking about me?" A lady walked into the room dressed like a surgeon. She moved like a angel whose wings had been chopped off. "I am Dr. Eleanora by the way and today we will be catching souls." Her red lips curved into a smile as she placed the silver tray of surgical instruments on a table at the far end of the room.

"Okay let's start with you." She grabbed an electric bone saw and moved slowly towards the oldest man. He tried to scream but he was too hungry to do so. I could read his lips as he mumbled a prayer.

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