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'Hey I'm Gwen and I'm 14 it's hard to believe that I'm 14 because I'm quite short it's not like THAT short.. I'm just average short but my friends are alot more taller than i am lol what's life?!' Gwen writes on her cute journal. *beep* a text from John "Wanna go have some waffles at Matt's?" I ignore him, it's not that I want to ignore him it's just I'm in a bad mood! Jane make up a story about me being a slut and spread them to the class, she said that because her boyfriend smiles at me. Like just smile... broooo smile didnt show any love thoo omg i cant believe She's jealous with that stupid actione! It's not even my fault she's overthinking. Argh! it's sooooo stressing me out. I better take a nap.

*ring* a call from John.

Argh he's so annoying "What do you want???" "Come out I'm at yours" I stand up and look out the window I see him waving at me. "Wtf John! I need some sleep I'm so tired!" "It's okay the waffle's on me!" It's good I'm quite hungry. "Nope" "Are you sure Gwen?" Why the heck is going to him? "Ask your friends togo with you! Im tired! Cant you hear me? Or are u deaf?" I shouted. I want waffles but I don't want to look very hungry "Ok Ok please accompany me there. I'm bored I need someone to talk to while I'm eating!" Well that's a good point I don't look really hungry it's like I felt sympathy to him that's why I'm going "Okay then, 5 minutes" "That's my Gwen!" Oh my god !! 'That's my Gwen'? He's gotta be kidding me ! I smiled and end the call.

I make a quick jog downstairs because I don't want him to wait for so long. "Hey Gwen! What's up?" "Hey So where's your car?" And he laugh embarrassed "At the workshop" what? so he's not going to say that we need to walk to Matt's right? "So how do we go to Matt's?" I ask him "Well actually I just want to know the whole story." He smile with a lot of hope. "Wait! What story?" Does he know about the rumors? "About you being a slut" I'm shocked "Oh so you heard it?" John is my best friend but he was in another school we're just a friend from childhood and we're neighbors that's all. "Yea I think so" "Okay it's nothing much. I'm at my seat and Ms.Grove was mad at me and everyone just wanted to cheer me up so do Dave, so he's smiling at me and Jane caught him and spread the false and immature rumors about me being a slut." "Whatt? Only that? Seriously? lol I thought you've lost your V" wtf John?! "Hey pervert!" I hit his head. John laughs.

John has went back home and I get into my house sadly with no waffles. I go straight to the kitchen and make some grilled cheese. I'm really mad at him. Seriously ? He thought that I've lost my V in my freshman year oh what a joke he's a pervert! Maybe he's lost his on the freshman year! Omg he's so grown up. I take my phone and open Netflix well I'm so bored home alone. My parents are at the Switzerland to celebrate their 100th honeymoon like seriously... HUNDREDTH because they always celebrate their anniversary sometimes there's also monthsary... i sometimes, wonder why love so hard? I shake my head and put my palms on my face and continue with my thoughts. Jennie went to the school camp, Avery went to her friend's, Mike went to the football practice. Well I need a friend to talk to. I call John and ask him to come by my place because I'm bored. I hope he can come. I then throw my phone and watch the ceiling. Waiting for a text back from John.
I took a quick glance to my phone and smile. Well he's coming. Yes thank god!
My phone rings. Look it's John ! "Hey don't you want to open the door ? It's raining outside" is it? Oops sorry ! I open the door and he gets in. "So what's up until I need to come to your house?" Didn't I told him just now? Oh yea I just said to come by my house. "Gwen? Hold up. Huh i know i know...  Do you wanna share with me how you had sex with Dave?" He's laughing with smirk. "Oh my gosh how come you've been so horny!" I laugh. Yes we're in the different gender but I don't know why I don't feel really embarrassed when I talk to him. I feel like he's just a girl friend. "I'm just bored" i pouted my mouth "okay?" John sit on the couch and switch on the tv. "Well let's gossip" John smiles and turn his body facing me. Seriously? "I don't know a hot guy knows how to gossip" I smirk. John smiles at me " let me tell you something, you're a nerd at your school you don't have any friends" ouch that's hurt. I do have friends who said that I'm a nerd? "Wow thanks Johnny" I give him a fierce look "woah I'm scared, please don't look at me" he laughs and pinch my cheek "you're too cute to give me that look Gwen webbings Hahaha!" He laugh. My face turns red. I'm flattered but I need to control my feelings. I can't like him. It'll be weird he's my best friend. "Go watch the tv and shut up! Want some water" I ask him because I wanna get myself some water at the kitchen "Sure, orange juice with less sugar please?" Omg he's too picky.

We had some chit chats and laughing so hard until it's time for him to go back home. "It's 4.00 p.m. Don't wanna go back?" I ask him not to be rude it's just I'm scared if his mom will search for him. "So you're kick me out ha?" He throw a pillow to me. With smile... WHY WITH THE SMILE JOHNNY YOU LOOK SO HANDSOME. My inner self couldnt resist how cute he was. "Hey don't be like that it's late your mom will be worry." I said making a sad face "Don't flirt with me!" and he runs out and slowly disappears from my eyesight. I just shake my head and smile.

Omg it is him ! (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now