20 (final)

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I walk my way back home holding a big bag that filled with presents. I'm still thinking about the nerdy guy. Is he John? How is it if he's really John? Nah John don't like me. I'm only his best friend. Pfft...

"Why are you talking by yourself?" I hear a voice behind me. I don't wanna look back. I'm scared if he's a bad guy so I faster my walk. "I'm tired please stop." He said.
"Who are you?" I'm still not looking back. I'm just too scared.
"The nerd guy you've kissed before." He said.
I smile and make a serious face back and turn around. My face turns red, my stomach is butterflies, my heads are dizzy, I can't control myself. OMG IT IS HIM !!! It was John. How do I recognize him? He took his glasses and mess his hair like he always does and not tuck in his shirt. Yup he's John.
"You are the nerd guy?" I said smiling.
"Yeah why are you so happy though?" He laugh.
"You don't know how desperate I am too move on from you and now you're here as my secret admire?" I said.
"I guess so." He run and hugs me.
"I love you Gwen." He whispers.

John send me back home and walk to Where he wanna go. It was nice after knowing that he is John. I'm so happy right now! I can't even describes it.

"Happy b'day Gwen."

It's from Isaac. I don't know what to say but I feel bad that I'm cheated.

I reply short.

"Um I'm sorry Gwen but I've got a girlfriend here in Scotland." Isaac sends me the text.

Huh, how dare him. It's not a big deal though actually. He's handsome he can't live by himself. He really needs a girlfriend to cheer him up. I like him being honest with me.

"Never mind I'm cheated."
I reply.

He only seen them but doesn't reply. I guess he was okay. I'm getting ready for tonight's dinner with John. I wear a pink crop top, a mini skirt and a black boots. Avery told me to wear that. And mike helps me with my make-up he's not a makeup lover but he just give his opinion about how should I makeup in front of boys. He said that I need to be more natural. Avery does my hair. It's a braid and it's so cool. I really look like those instafamous though. I smile alone and waiting for John.

John pick me up with Dave's car. He give me compliments and all those sweet stuff. He's such a sweet talker.
At the restaurant I ask him many things.
"Hey where do you live if you're not home? Are you being a homeless person who begging money from everyone?" I ask.
"Nope I live at Dave's." he said and eat some waffles.
"Why don't you just go back home?"
"My parents divorced and that was not my real mother. My real mother was kicked out and run far far away from us. And I'm suffering here." He said normally but I know deep inside he's dead. He's so close to his mother. I can't even imagine what am i doing if my parents is getting divorce.
"So how do you know that I kissed you that night? You're sleeping aren't you?" I ask him with a narrow eyes.
"Yes I am sleeping but then I felt that warm lips touch mine and woah I was dreaming it's yours and you know what I'm awake from my dream and open my eyes. Your eyes are closed. So I kissed you back and it was my first kiss so I need them to be a memorable thing in my life." He said and smiling at me. He look into my eyes and say "you're the first and my last love Gwen webbings." And pinch my nose. I can't hide my smile though.
'Dear diary,
Last year, was the best year in my life. I make up with John and I'm having a really good life now. There's too many things that I'm thankful now. My lifes are the best. Avery, I'm good with her. She's like my best friend now. She also got her new boyfriend. His name was Hayden. He's handsome and the footballer in his school. Avery is like Jane, a pretty girl but too bossy. some people will judge her as the mean girls. Mike, he's now being a top handsome guy that everyone wants to date but only one girl had a chance. Who? Of course it's Laila. Laila is the quietest person in that school but so pretty while Mike is the noisiest person in that school because he's quite famous. Jessie, of course she lived happily ever after with her boyfriend. Me and John are a goals now but it's funny that I'm still virgin. I and John make a deal. We're not doing anything until the first night of our marriage because both of us are quite shy with ourselves. Of course we're only a best friends at first and now are a couple. What a cute journey of life'

"Faster Gwennie."
"Okay five minutes." I put on my blusher and my sunglasses and off to go. I'm now studying with John at the university at London. We're living as a neighbor because we still shy with each other. I open my door and John hands me a breakfast that he made by himself then kiss me on the forehead and put his arm around me.
"Let's go." He said and we walk to the university together.

Omg it is him ! (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now