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Oh my god John's fainted. I'm very worried right now. I call the uber and rush him to the hospital.
I wait at the hospital in about 2 hours with Avery. At last the doctor come to me. It's the old doctor that I met years ago when my fake boyfriend is sick. And he still remember me.
"Hey you're Gwen right?"
"So it looks like your fake boyfriend needed you again. He keep on calling your name in his bed just like 3 years ago."
"Wait, my fake boyfriend? This is my best friend."
"He's the one that is sick years ago. The one that you said a fake boyfriend once. Don't you know?" The doctor looks confuse. Well it's not just him. I also confuse.

"Wait !" Avery shout. The doctor and I look at her. "So you said that this Gwen had a boyfriend once?" Avery ask the doctor while pointing at me.
"Yes, but according to what she has said years ago, it's just her fake boyfriend and not her real one." Said the doctor to Avery. "I'm confuse. So you said that her fake boyfriend was John?" Avery ask the doctor. Well that's make me lost my confuse and start to focus on their conversation.

"Yes he is. John is the fake boyfriend." The doctor said. "Okay" Avery said and grab my hand and lead me to John's room. My tears drop. I saw John on the bed. His face is pale. I run into him and hold his hand. Hard. He doesn't say anything but his tear drops. Avery look at us and said "drama.." and play with her nails. I don't care. I only care about John now.

*ring* it's a call from John.
John's calling? I mean John's here with me. Wait who's this.
"Hello" I answered the call.
"You're with John right?"
"Who's this?"
"I'm John's mom"
"Oh okay" and then John grabs my hand and shake his head.
"Is John okay? I've never seen him for about three years. Do you fed him well?" She asks. Wait this is not right. So after John left my house, he's not going to his house? So where does he lived? I ignore the question and end the call. John really owe me an explanation after his recover.

"Are you okay John!" Dave run and go to John's bed.
"You know him?" I ask.
"Shut up, this is all your fault." Dave raise his voice at me.
John try to sit but he can't he's too weak.
Maybe I need some talk with Dave after this. Both of us wait until John falls asleep and go out of the room. I ask Avery to look for John for a while and she said okay. She just sit on the chair beside John's bed and playing her phone.
"So tell me, how is it my fault?" I ask Dave.
"It's your fault, because it's your fault!"
He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"I didn't do anything. But please don't messed with my best friend" I said
"Best friend? Hahaha! Do you know where John lives after you kicked him out? Do you know he's okay or not? Do you know that he runaway from his house? Do you know his problem? Do you know all that? All you know is Isaac. Isaac is all you think about. And do you really know who's Isaac was? You don't know anything about John nor Isaac and you said they're yours ?" Dave raise his voice until some of the nurse that walk passed us look at us.
"You don't know anything about me. So just shut up." I cry. Really? I only think about Isaac? He really don't know me. Does he know how hard I've tried to move on? Huh.
"I'll shut up, but please take care of John." He said and left.
I go into the room and look at John. My heart breaks every time I saw him lying on the bed with his pale face. The memories, our memories is haunting me.

I saw Isaac at the counter. Is that Isaac? "Gwen how's John?" Isaac waves at me and ask me.

"He's at his room." I said and lead him to the room.

"There he is." I point at John.
"Is that Isaac?" Avery ask me.
"Yeah" I said. Isaac is looking at us. He looks like he's crying. He walk towards me and hug me all of the sudden.
"Woah why are both of you hugging?" Avery ask me. Like I said, Avery doesn't know our relationship.
"We're a couple." Isaac said and kiss my forehead. I know John's awake but I let Isaac kiss me. John don't really like me like Isaac does. Maybe a little when he is my fake boyfriend. But not anymore. It's been 3 years.

"Stop !" John shout. It's making Isaac stop and look at him.
"Don't do that in front of me. My heart, my heart breaks. I hate it when there's a rumor between you two. I want to be Isaac, the boy in this picture." He said and show us the picture of me and Isaac.
"Wow, so now what?" Avery claps her hand and looking at me and Isaac. Both of us are shocked. Isaac really don't know about the picture.
"So you said that you wanna be her boy huh?" Isaac smirk at John.
"Yes, you've betrayed me once. I'm not gonna let that happen again. I'll do my best after my recovery. Enjoy her while I'm sick." He said.
"Enjoy her? What a man. You really don't need to said that. I appreciate her as a girl and now you said I need to enjoy her? What do you think she is? A whore?" Isaac wants to give John a punch but I stop him.
"Is enjoying her means that she's a whore? I think I don't say anything about sex. I'm just saying that you can enjoy her that means enjoy your memories with her while I'm sick. I'm not saying that you can touch her."
John raise his voice. Isaac's silent.
I look at their face. Their face is red.
"I'm out" Avery said and go out of the room. ...

Omg it is him ! (COMPLETED!!!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora