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I stop them.
Isaac leave the hospital and wait for me in his car at the entrance. John give me a hug and say "wait for me, I've so much to tell you" he winks at me even though he's sick he still looks cute in every way.
I go down and sit on the passenger side while Avery is on the backseat. Isaac drive us home and go somewhere that I don't know where but I don't really care because I'm thinking about John now.

1 message from fake crazy boyfriend
Is this John? Hm. What does the message says.

"Thanks Gwen."
Yup this is really John. So he is really the fake boyfriend? I can't believe this. I smile and laugh a bit. My stomach is filled butterflies all of the sudden, now I'm not confuse with my feelings anymore. I'm 100 percent sure that I like John. Isaac? He's not my type anyway. He just too sweet and romantic. I swing my self and laying on the couch where John's laying before.

"You funny." Avery said to me.
"Lol" I said.
"I like your drama. It's good. If I were you I'll choose John instead of Isaac. Isaac is just too sweet it makes me goosebumps and John looks cool by the way. I've got a crush on him once." She said sitting on the single chair beside my couch.
"You are? When?" I ask.
"I don't know, I don't really remember. Maybe when I'm 10 or something haha just forget about it. I had a boyfriend now." She said and take her phone showing me her boyfriend.
"I don't know that you had one. Wow he's cool." I said.
"Okay times up. Don't look at him for too long or you might accidentally like him." She said and taking her phone back.
I laugh. She's not so bad. She's nice. We rarely have a talk like this.
"Hey you guys, I've heard your secrets let me share mine. So I had this one girl. I had a crush on her. But I don't think she likes me back." Mike is making a sad face.
"Hey where did you come from?" Avery ask.
"I'm at the kitchen the whole time. Both of you went out without me." He said.
"We're sorry" I laugh.
"So you had a crush on someone ha? Tell us her name." I said.
"So her name was Laila. She's cute. But she always ignores me. Like when I'm with my friends she talk to them and ignore only me. That's making me clueless." Mike said to us and sit on the floor.
"It means she shy dummy." Avery poke his head.
"Why is she so shy to me?" Mike look clueless.
"She likes you goofy." I said and laugh.
"REALLY!? are you fucking serious ?"
Mike's eyes got wider.
"Hey don't say any curse word. Mom and dad will be mad at us." Avery reminding him.
"Oops I'm sorry, I just got too excited." He cover his mouth with his hand. Three of us had a very good chats until midnight. I hope Jessie's here.

"Dad aren't you going to work today ?" I ask.
"Nope" he answer short and continue reading his newspaper.
"But why?" I ask. I just want to bring John's home and take care of him today and send him back to his house before mom and dad's back from work.
"I'm tired." He said.
"Let's go to the hospital." I wanted to invite him to the hospital. He knows John.
"Why? Are you sick?" He ask and place his hand on my forehead.
"Nope I want to meet John." I said.
"Oh, John? Its been quite a long time I didn't bumped into him when I'm going to work. He's quite tall and handsome now. Don't get flattered okay! You're not his type." My dad just making fun of me. He laughs at his own joke. So do Avery and mike because they're near us when I talk to dad just now. "Okay, I get it." I said and quickly open the door and go to the porch. I make a quick sit and yell "could you please a bit faster? John's dying." I laugh. He's in a stable condition how come he is dying.

"Where's John?" My dad ask me.
"I'm not sure" I said standing still in front of John's room.

Omg it is him ! (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now