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"Gwen?" Avery look at me.
"Don't ask me, i don't have any idea of where John is." My eyes doesn't move. I only stare at John's bed.
"Let me ask the nurse." Dad said to me, Avery and mike. The three of us nod and just sit on the couch in the room. After a while, daddy look at us with sweats all over his face. We're getting more worried now.

"So a good news is John got discharged hours ago before we arrived, and the bad news is he's not at his home now. The hospital doesn't know where he goes after he got discharged and I've called his family and they said that John's gone missing for about 3 years already so how do you know that John is at the hospital?" He ask me.
"He went to our house yesterday and he fainted that's why he's in the hospital." I said worriedly.
"So what are we going to do now?" Avery ask me, dad and mike.
"Let's search for him." Mike said. "But how?" Avery ask me. "Forget about it" I said. It's not that I'm not worried it's just, you know, I'm too worried and I want to search for him by myself.
"Wow ! I can't believe that you're not worried right now. Even we are worried. You like him but you're not worried? Wow." Avery claps her hand. "You liked John?" Daddy ask me. "Yeah she does. More like love John." Avery smirk and elbowing me. "Shut up." I said. I can't hide my smile but yea. It's hard. I don't want to tell anybody.
"Hey Gwen after we found John, you, me and mom need some chit chat okay?" Dad's said with a cool move. Omg Dad's giving me a goosebumps but I'm sure that it'll taking quite a long time to find John so I hope they'll forget about it.

It's 10 already. We go shopping that's why we're back home late.We're back home and I'm the first one who gets out from the car. I run to the door and I saw a bouquet of flowers in front of the house. Wait, from who is this? As i lift the flowers "woops put it back! That's for your mom." My dad stops me. I put down the flowers and ask him "what day is today?"
"Today? Today is Monday." My dad said.
"So...?" I look at the flowers and look at him again.
"Just leave it there." He's face is blushing red.
I go upstairs and switch on my phone if there any notification from John. And yup there's none. Uh, where he is.
I call him and sadly he doesn't answer. :( I text him right away because I'm too worried.

"Hey where are you" I put my phone and go to the bathroom to take a bath. As I went out from the bathroom I saw a text.

"Find me" it says. I'm clueless. The text is not from John but from Isaac. Why's Isaac ask me to find him ?
"John's missing I can't play right now."  I text him back.

"Lets search for John. ;)" he says. I switch off my phone and go downstairs to get some water. As I'm downstairs I cover my mouth with my hands. "what the---" I yell.
"Surprise !" Avery and mike said. "What's this for?" I saw a cake and too many heart heliums balloons in the living room. "And why is there too many hearts balloons? What day is today?" I ask. Avery and mike giggles and say "hey today is your birthday dummy." Avery smile showing her white teeth. "It's 12 in the midnight now. You guys don't wanna sleep?" I ask rubbing my eyes. I'm so happy. I'm never expecting that my 17th birthday is as nice as this. Even tho it's just us-our family. But it's making me flattered. "Well Gwen happy birthday!" Daddy hand me a small box. "Happy birthday Honey." Mom hands me a quite large box. I wonder what's in there. "Where's your present?" I ask mike and Avery. "Ta-daaa..." they hand me a board full of my picture. My memories! They print out all of the picture that includes me and collect it. And arrange it with a heart shape. "I love you guys." I hug both of them.
"We love you too Gwen."

"Here." Mom hand me a box. "It's from Jennie.
"Wow thanks. I'll thank Jennie later on the FaceTime." I smile.
"You should" my mom says.

*ding dong*
"Let me open the door" I said and everybody's nod. There's no one. It's only a bouquet of flowers that daddy wanna give mom. I close the door and hand the flowers to mom. "There's no one it's just a bouquet of flowers. And it's yours." I said handing the flowers to mom.
"But I got mine." Mom pointed at a bouquet of flowers on the shelf. "What? Is this a part of the surprise too?" I ask and laugh. All of them shakes their head and making a clueless face. They really don't know where's the flower comes from.
It's weird.

Omg it is him ! (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now