2: The Quest

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"Mom!" Kiss called, flying down the staircase.

"Yes?" Aphrodite responded, adding lipstick to her luscious lips.

"I got my quest today, and I'm really confused."

The beautiful goddess daintily slid the card out of the envelope, reading the simmering print that appeared.

A beautiful creation from a beautiful girl.

"Ah, you're going to love this one," she smiled. "You need to create your first item."

"Wait-" Kiss blinked twice, waiting to see if it was a dream. "-are you joking?"

"No, my darling," she grinned. "You will continue the tradition if you succeed."

"Oh my gods." Kiss re-read the card three times.

"It will be you're first item, so it's kind of a trademark. You'll be known for it," Aphrodite smiled, continuing to perfect her lips.

"Wait, but I have to include one-hundred somehow."

Aphrodite turned to Kiss. "Well, what do you want to create?"

A giant smile made it on the youngster's face, as she ran up to her room. "I have so many ideas, Mom."

When the excited girl returned, she flipped to a bookmarked page and pointed at the design. "That, is what I want to make."

The goddess hummed, reading her notes. "You think one smooch will do the trick?"

It dawned on Kiss what she had to accomplish. "...one hundred? Isn't that a little too much?"

"The more you get, the more powerful the effect will be. Plus, one would do literally nothing," Aphrodite informed. "Are you powerful enough to pull an Ero from someone's body?"


Aphrodite nodded. "I call the lust drop an Ero. Named it after you."

Kiss laughed, "Thanks Mom."

"You know, you use your magic to pull their sexual desire from behind their neck, and it will form in your hand," Aphrodite explained. "Have you been able to pull an Ero, daughter?"


"Good. Just know, the more turned on they get, the easier it is to pull. Therefore, you conserve more energy."

"Wait, isn't this cheating?"

"No, darling. I can say whatever I want, but it is up to you to do the work," Aphrodite stared into her daughter's eyes. "However, if I help you when you're on Earth, that would be cheating."

Kiss frowned. "Couldn't someone's parent just tell them the whole plan and tell them exactly what to do?"

Aphrodite shrugged. "They could, but then the kid wouldn't gain any power. Giving tips, however, are fine. All parents whisper a few tips."

"Seriously? Even Nemesis' children?" Kiss gawked.


A silence settled between them as Taehyung walked in and filled a cup with nectar. Humming quietly, the boy froze as he saw his Mother's deathly glare. Cupid shuffled his way out the front door, snatching his bow and some arrows along the way.

"Anyway," Aphrodite continued, "you need to figure out how you're gonna incorporate lust into that lipstick idea, cause if you don't things could turn out disastrous."

Kiss grunted. "What are the odds?"

"You've been in the lab plenty of times, so you should have a brief idea on what to do. But..." Aphrodite paused.

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