21: Red Icing

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A week passed by, the topic of the winter formal buzzing around the student body. Snoozing through sixth period, Kiss lifted her head after seeing Jimin's shy smile a desk over.

A note appeared next to her head, and she opened the crumpled message:

Are you okay?

Replying back to his note, Kiss gave him a grin.

Better, now that you're talking to me.

Sending him a wink, heat rose to Jimin's cheeks. Kiss knew he and Sasha were and item, yet she just loved to make the boy flustered, no strings attached.

They deepened in color when he read the note.

He pushed his black glasses further up the bridge of his nose, writing something back:

Have you seen Sasha?

Kiss froze.

She went to visit her grandparents in US-

"Passing notes, I see?"

Kiss coolly looked up at the teacher, a smug look on her face.

"Yes. Give me detention, and leave Jimin out of this."

The teacher blinked.

"Very well."

Jimin stared at Kiss with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, almost crying in relief when the teacher let him off the hook.

Kiss just sent him another wink in reply, and another blush painted his cheeks.


When school ended, Kiss walked into detention and walked right back out.

Hyeri and Jungkook were going at it.


A few buttons were unbuttoned from the top of Hyeri's blouse, and an obvious boner tented Jungkook's pants, which demanded to be released from the tight skinny jeans.

Kiss just decided to walk home.

Opening the door to the complex, Kiss smiled warmly at the familiar scent, glad to call it home. Hoseok and Sasha were like family to her, despite how they spent less than half a year with each other.

Forgetting all homework, Kiss brought the jar of Eros onto the dining room table. Clearing all the other items on the top, the only thing on the table top was the jar. She was glad that she didn't forget it at Seokjin's, which would have been a disaster if she did forget.

Sighing, Kiss pulled out one out of the one hundred Eros, rolling it in her palm.

Her mind drifted to the time when she tried everything to grind it into dust. Nothing worked, and she tried once more.

With a knife in her hand, Kiss was ready to smash the Eros. Lining the Ero directly below the knife, Kiss slammed the metal blade down.

Nothing happened.

Frowning, Kiss tried again.

However, something completely different happened.

Her finger received the sharp end of the blade instead of the Ero. It was a deep cut, blood rushing out from it at an alarming rate. The girl hissed in pain, observing the cut quickly before walking off to get the first aid kit.

When she returned, she narrowed her eyes.

The Ero looked different from before.

Instead of showcasing its colorless pigment, it showed a transparent red that swirled through like red food coloring in water.

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