30: Philia

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"Kiss, it's time to go."

Kiss lifted her heavy eyes, realizing she had slept on Seokjin's shoulder. The ambrosia Sasha had given her healed most of her body, but her shoulder received mild pain.

It was nothing compared to what she felt in her heart.

After Jin asked her what was wrong, she told him everything.


Kiss stood up without a word with Seokjin's help. He led her to the living room where Hermes sat.

Hermes looked at them both with a somber expression. "Eros, Philia."

Kiss slumped onto the couch opposite of Hermes, and Jin joined her.

"You want to go back, Philia?" Hermes asked.

Jin shook his head. "I made my decision many years ago, Hermes."

"Very well," Hermes sighed. "Aphrodite and Pragma welcome you home when you decide to go back."

Seokjin nodded. "Take care of her."

"I will."

Seokjin turned to Kiss, arms wide. "Can I get a hug?"

Kiss looked up with dead eyes and hugged him. Jin rubbed her back.

"I will miss you sister," Jin said softly. "I won't come back for awhile."

"I'm sorry, Jin," Kiss whispered, choking up.

"It's okay. We are family after all."

After Kiss had told him everything, he revealed some information she never expected to hear. Seokjin was Kiss' brother, known as Philia.

Philia- brotherly, sincere, and platonic love.

He was the oldest out of the three siblings, and left Olympus when he found Namjoon during his quest.

Jin fell in love with Namjoon.

Once he finished his quest, Aphrodite allowed him to stay with Namjoon, asking for a return after Jin's lover died.

The two broke apart from the embrace, and Hermes patted JIn's shoulder. "Take care."

"You too."

Hermes looked at Kiss. "C'mon, kiddo. Let's go home."

Kiss nodded, feeling numb.


"I have seen what happened, Eros," Zeus spoke.

Kiss was unresponsive as she stared at the god. She stared blankly around the Principal's office, eyes cold.

"And Sasha is excused from-"

"Why didn't you do anything," Kiss whispered.

Zeus sighed. "Although what you went through is quite devastating, I am not allowed-"

"Not allowed my ass. We were dealing with Thanatos," Kiss snapped.

"I know, and interfering would have decreased the amount of power you have now."

"But that doesn't fucking matter to me because Hoseok is dead."

Zeus shook his head. "Child, you will learn that love won't last when the time you have is forever. As Aphrodite's child, you are not supposed to be bounded and held back by a partner."

"I'm not taking your bullshit."

Slamming the door to the Academy's office, Kiss walked the halls with a blank face once more. Students whispered when they saw how she wasn't strutting with a smirk on her face.

The young goddess walked out the school doors, onto the lively campus. She felt numb, letting her feet carry her wherever. The faculty didn't try to stop her under Zeus' orders, as the god knew that she needed time.

Her eyes trailed to see two godly children, one boy and one girl, share an ice cream. The little girl beamed at the boy with ice cream on her lips after licking it once, approving of the taste. The young boy was shy with bangs covering his eyes, returning a nervous smile of his own.

Kiss felt her eyes sting, throat swelling at the memory.

She hurried her pace and found herself at the steps of home. She burst through the door, rubbing her eyes to get rid of the tears.

"Woah there, calm down," Taehyung said, dropping whatever was in his hands, enveloping her in an embrace.

Once Cupid heard the news, he rearranged his list of priorities and placed Kiss first. She came before him no matter what.

Kiss shoved him away, running to her room.

Taehyung sighed, muttering, "Too early."

He had tried to consult her earlier but he had gotten the same reaction. Aphrodite sighed from the kitchen as she cooked food.

"Give her time, Cupid."

"I know, but it just hurts how I can't do anything. I want her better," he sighed, picking up his bow.

"She won't be for a while," Aphrodite flipped the sausages. "Kiss went through a lot."

"I know."

Kiss sobbed in her soundproof room, grief-stricken and heartbroken. Her voice was sore with all the screaming she had done this week, as Hoseok's death played on repeat without a stop. Her hands started to shake from the grief, and broken cries left her mouth, pleading for the events to be a silly dream.

She was beautiful even when she cried, even though she was a mess. It has been a week since Kiss returned, and she skipped going to the Academy except today. Aphrodite forced her so Zeus could get a word in, but she knew that Kiss would skip the rest of the day.

Her hand gripped the small silver angel wing that hung on her neck, shaking.

Kiss didn't realize how happy he made her until it was too late. His soul had ceased to exist with the bullet, meaning he wasn't in the underworld as a dead person.

Hoseok was gone forever.

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