8: Charmspeak

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Hoseok was running as fast as he could with Kiss on his back.

It stated to pour as he ran down the street, and it didn't help that it was cold. Fall was here, and the weather was cooler.

Almost sprinting, Hoseok made it to his door and fished around for the key. Once he unlocked the door, he carefully ran up to his bedroom and proceeded to lay towels on his bed. After, he gently laid Kiss down and cranked the heat from the thermostat.

"Crap," he panicked, once he remembered that wet clothes leads to hypothermia.

It worried him more that Kiss wasn't even shivering.

"Kiss," he said softly, shaking her arm, "wake up."

She stayed still.

He placed a hand on her forehead, and it was searing hot.

"Nononono," Hoseok panicked.

As fast as he could, Hope peeled the clothes off her body, leaving the undergarments on, and dried her wet skin with a towel. Trying not to blush, he covered her body with blankets. He knew it was better to leave her without clothes than with wet clothes, so her temperature won't drop.

Hoseok almost cursed when he remembered Sasha. She was in the forest for her quest. He knew she could probably take care of herself, but it didn't stop him from worrying.

A groan escaped Kiss' lips as she placed an arm over her forehead, shifting.

Like the Flash, Hoseok was right at her side. "Kiss!"

Another groan came from her, as she turned away from Hoseok. After a few moments, she was as still as a statue.

Hoseok tugged at his hair, the stress evident in his eyes.


Kiss opened her eyes.

It was cloudy, and all she remembered was passing out on the floor.

Shooting up from the bed, Kiss surveyed her surroundings. It was obviously a guy's room, and all she could come up with was Hoseok's room.

Her conclusion was proven correct when her eyes landed on a wild Hobi twerking to Rihanna's Work.

"Hoseok?" She called out, her voice hoarse. His head snapped around, and he immediately stopped dancing. Turning the speaker off, Hoseok was relieved.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

That's when she realized she only had undergarments on.

"Nevermind that. Do you have any clothes?" She asked, staring at the closet.

He let out a squeak and ran out of the room, calling for Sasha. When he returned, Hope passed Sasha's clothes to Kiss.

"You were out for a day," he stated, sitting on the other side of the bed. Kiss slid the shirt over her head and pulled the sweatpants onto her lower half.

"Really? It felt like twenty years."

"Are you really okay?" He asked gently, scooting over next to Kiss. She leaned in, like she was going to kiss him. He froze, his heartbeat fast and erratic.

Kiss touched their foreheads together, enjoying the closeness. "I'm fine."

She pulled away, and this time, Hoseok was the one to close the space. He had no idea what was happening, and it almost felt like he was being controlled.

Right when their lips were about to touch, he jerked away and gasped. "What the heck?"

Kiss grinned, eyes crinkling. She threw her head back and laughed, slapping her knee. "I think I've gotten more powerful."

"Were you-" His eyes widened. "Y-You were controlling me!"

"No shit, Hopie," Kiss laughed. "That was fun."

Kiss got up and made her way to the door while Hoseok just sat there with his mouth open.

"I'm guessing my charm-speech got better too," she smirked. "Let's try it."

Tucking her short hair behind her ears, Kiss looked at Hoseok.

"Kiss me, Hoseok."

His body shot up from the bed, strides fast and powerful. Hoseok's hand immediately shot out and pulled her torso to his, ready to smash his lips against hers.

Kiss broke the spell and let out a very unlady-like guffaw. Hoseok walked away from her slowly a finger raised in her direction.

"Y-You are a very dangerous woman," he said shakily, pupils wavering.

"I'd like to see more of the dominant J-hope, because that was sexy," Kiss simpered, leaving a shook Hoseok in his room.

Kiss sat down at the dining table, looking at Sasha. "How'd your quest go?"

She looked up, giving her a smile. "Alright."

Kiss watched her for few minutes as she carved the arrow by hand. "Thanks for letting me borrow your clothes."

"Anytime," she said, squinting her eyes in concentration. "By the way, I told your brother that you passed out and would be sleeping over."

"Oh my gods! I totally forgot about him!" Kiss panicked.

"He was fine with it. You don't have to worry," she said.

"How did you even find out about him?"

Sasha smiled, looking up to meet her eyes. "I have my ways."


a/n: I really enjoy writing this book :)

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