4: Hoseok?

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Kiss enjoyed the eyes on her as she walked through the hallway. Girls scowled at her beauty, while the boys drooled.

"Damn she's hot."

Kiss turned her head, locking eyes with the one and only Jeon Jungkook. He's popular among the school with his best friend, Park Jimin.

The soon-to-be goddess scanned his figure up and down. "Right back at you, babe."

The boys around him howled, slapping Jungkook on the back like he won the lottery. Smiling at their reaction, Kiss continued to walk to her first class, taking her time to study the school.

Even bigger than Jeon Junkook, bad boy Suga, was at the top. His personality was dark and mysterious, as no one knew his true name. Girls flaunted over his figure, endless requests sent his way.

Rolling her eyes at the undeniably hot bad boy who was crowded by girls, it only reminded her of Kim Taehyung, son of Ares. As Kiss walked past him, Yoongi pushed his way out of the crowd and caught up with her.

"Kiss," he smirked, sliding one of her beautiful brown strands between his two fingers, "you are stunning."

"Beautiful," he continued, suddenly pushing her to the lockers. Yoongi pinned her against them, running a single finger along her jawline.

"Absolutely breathtaking."

He took his time scanning her perfectly sculpted face, marveling at the beyond-perfect complexity of it all. The color in her eyes was a dark, rich brown, almost seen as black. Her skin was like honey, smooth and golden. The painted lips of hers were full and beautifully etched, complementing the oval shape of her face.

Kiss was bored. "Thanks."

She pulled herself from his grip and continued to walk.

However, Min Suga knew better.

He swiftly pulled her into the janitors closet and closed the space once again. It was pitch-black, making Yoongi feel more powerful. Running his hands down the curve of her waist, he stopped at her hips and kissed her neck slowly, gradually moving up. Kiss let him, enjoying the sexual contact.

His mouth moved right next to her ear, whispering hotly so she could hear.

"Sexy, I think you and I need to talk."


Kiss sat in the back of the class, already knowing that she would fail. Not like it mattered to her anyway.

Four months and she would be gone!

Tuning out the lecture, the girl sent a wink at the cute boy beside her, who blushed furiously at her action. His cheeks were quite red, as he couldn't meet her eyes. Kiss tossed him a note, and the reply came right back.

Park Jimin

She grinned and whispered 'cute', blowing him a kiss in the process. Jimin let out a small squeal and covered his cheeks, focusing on the lecture. Smiling at the cuteness, Kiss listened to her teacher.

"Quantum electrodynamics is the theory of all chemistry and life if reduced to chemistry and physics because..."

Kiss couldn't listen to any more of it, even if she tuned in for a few seconds. She could barely recognize the fact that CO stood for carbon monoxide, barely knowing that carbon dioxide was one carbon and two oxygen.

Heck, she didn't even know if that was considered biology, chemistry, or physics.

She knew it was a part of science, for sure.

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