20: Discovery

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Hoseok was running as fast as he could.

The figure that had kissed Kiss and knocked Sasha out chased after him with ease, a group of underlings following his every step.

Hoseok, with light steps, kept his distance from the threat. However, the royal muttered under his breath, casting a hand towards Hope.

A single underling popped up from the ground and took a hold of his leg. Hoseok, in result, slammed into the ground. A low groan escaped his mouth, sharp pain shooting through his palm from impact.

The underlings pinned his body on the snow-covered grass, waiting for Hades' youngest descendant's order to bite.

"She is mine, son of Apollo," the figure growled, mounting his scepter on Hoseok's chest.

Hoseok gasped and sputtered, afraid for his life. The scepter pressed right above his heart, the pressure building every second.

At any moment, the staff would pierce through his heart.

"You are getting in the way of my plan," the younger sneered. "I will kill you."

Hoseok closed his eyes.

He though about his life back at Olympus, and how lovely it would be to see his family once again. He thought about becoming the most valued angel in Olympus.

Most of all, he thought about seeing Kiss up there. How she would look and how their future would be; he felt like life was worth living, and just to see her up there with a white dress...

Hoseok gritted his teeth, sick of being scared.

No more cowardly acts, no more shying away, no more of being afraid.

Hoseok screamed.

A sudden burst of energy blasted from his pinned body. A stream of light surrounded him, so bright that the underlings shriveled to their death.

Hoseok stood.

His body was glowing white.

With lightning fast speed, Hoseok advanced towards the youngest prince, who filed a black mist around him. The barrier was ineffective to the burn in Hoseok's soul, and the bright man clasped his hands around the Prince's neck. The Prince let out a scream, pain evident on his face.

Hoseok was so bright it was killing him.

Unable to fight back, the royal shadow traveled back to the underworld, leaving Hoseok alone in the open field.

The boy looked at his hands, eyes wide.


"Sasha?" Kiss called out, wondering why it was so quiet.

The daughter of love walked in each room, in hopes to find her good friend. However, to her dismay, she was no where to be found.

Kiss pulled out her phone and dialed, yet the call went dead.

She muttered a string of curses under her breath, trudging to her room once more. Kiss slammed the door open and screamed her name as loud as she could.

Then, Iris, the goddess of messages, appeared.

Kiss' eyebrows shot up.

"Iris?" Kiss questioned, wondering how long it had been since she had seen an actual goddess of Olympus.

"First of all, try not to scream, Kiss. Your voice is powerful, as expected," Iris sighed, shaking her head. "And second of all, Sasha is back up."


Iris rolled her eyes. "Do I have to repeat myself? Sasha completed her quest."

Kiss narrowed her eyes. "What about Jimin?"

Iris could feel herself fading, as telegrams sent to participants were set to a fixed time.

"Love is a relative term, Kiss."

And she was gone.

Kiss blinked.

Turning around, Kiss moved to the kitchen and made herself some tea. Waiting for the water to boil, she sat down at the table, a blank look on her face.

She thought about her own quest.

Her mind drifted to Hoseok, and she shook her head with anger. Kiss couldn't afford to fall in love with him and stay with him. She would utterly smash his heart into pieces and leave him for another fine man. The curse followed her everywhere, and had been the thought that clouded her days.

Even if she wanted to stay with him, no one would approve. She was expected to marry one of the big three, and that angered her.

What about the other descendants?

Why was Hoseok considered less?

Her thoughts we clouded by visions of their future.

Kiss could imagine how horrible things would go if they were to stay together. Maybe one night, she wouldn't be able to hold herself back, and would lose interest in Hoseok, searching out for other men that were better.

Frankly, Hoseok wasn't the best man out there.

Kiss could have easily found a better man with better physique, courage, and will.

Yet, she was willing to overlook that and love him for who he was.

All of a sudden, she would light up when he was around, or Kiss would feel a strong sensation in her chest.

Why did she suddenly like the endearing touches that came from his stature, opposing to the lustful ones that she lived for?

She realized how much she enjoyed his presence when they took that walk out in the snow, and it made her angry.

How could she just so easily let herself down for him?

What made him so special over the descendants of the big three?

Why did her heart race when he would touch her?

Kiss gripped the angel wing that rested on her chest.

She was a fool. Kiss played herself right into the trap she so desperately wanted to avoid. With her thoughts on Hoseok, she could just picture his face, glowing with happiness that was oh-so-contagious. His dark chocolate eyes, timid yet loving, as they stared into her own.

Kiss slammed her palms on the table.

"Get a grip, Kiss," she glowered, gritting her teeth. "Mother didn't raise you to be weak."




Angrily making her tea, Kiss trudged upstairs and slammed the door shut. She frustratingly squeezed her fists, taking the anger out on the mirror.

It shattered.

Crack lines painted the reflection, pieces of the mirror falling on the floor. The stinging felt on her fist was nothing compared to the pain she felt in her heart.

Kiss looked back up to the broken mirror, eyes hazy.

With the quest at the least of her worries, all that clouded her thoughts were Hoseok.


Her expression hardened.

"Eros is the most feared type of love. It is dangerous and fatal, trouble right on its heels."


a/n: I had a huge writers block, and i finally finished writing chapter 20. im not too proud of it.

i apologize bc this was a trash chapter

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