Arriving The Suicidal Hospital

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*Mitzy's Pov*

I got into the cops car and buckled myself up.

"You ready?" The officer asks me.

I nod and he turns on the car, and starts driving.

I looked out the window and people were staring at me. The were giving me a bad look. Well this is emberrasing.

"Whats your favorite radio station?" The police asks me.

"Um I dont have one." I say shy.

"You dont have one." He says.

"Nope ha." I say and he puts any radio station.

I looked out the window once again and admired the day. It wasnt bad. The tree's looked nice and the weather was fine.

Minutes, minutes, and minutes passed and we werent there yet.

"Are we there yet?" I ask him.

I was getting bored and tired of sitting on these hard chairs.

"Yes." He says and we drive into a place.

It didn't look like a hospital at all, it looked like a big house. Wow.

The place was two stories high, and looked really nice. I'm telling you this place looks like a house

The officer opens the door and helps me out. He grabs my luggage and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I say and give him a weak smile.

He nods and we walk into the so called "Hospital."

He goes up to the lady in the desk and starts talking to her. I look around and there was a bunch of rooms. There was also an elevator and stairs.....

After a few minutes the officer comes back to me again.

"Well Mitzy nice meeting you. If you ever need help call us, cause we are here to help. And dont forget that people care about you." He tells me.

"Thank you." I say and give him a smile.

The lady from the desk comes up to me and smiles at me.

"Hi Mitzy. My name is Mrs.Anderson. I work here as you see and I love helping people out." She tells me.

"I will take you to your room." She adds.

I nod and we start walking. After a few rooms she finally stops in one. She knocks but no one opens.

"Mm she's probably not there." She says.

She opens the door and lets me in. One of the beds was empty and the other one belonged to some one.

"Oh there she is." Mrs.Anderson says.

I look in the corner of the room, and there was a girl sitting down covering her face in the corner.

"Hun you have a new roommate." She tells her.

She doesnt do anything she doesnt do anything.

"So this will be your bed and if you need help or anything you know where to find me. Which is my front desk." She tells me and laughs a little.

"Thank you." I tell her as she closes the door.

I put my stuff on the bed, and start unpacking. We each had our own dresser. Not to mention but the room was huge! Like really big. The room was decorate really nicely, and everything was so neat.

I finish unpacking and sit down on the bed. The girl hasnt even moved from her spot.

I decide to lay down a little and take a short nap.

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