A Day With Michael

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*Mitzy's Pov*

I found it really mest up how Michael's parents didn't even bother to stay one day with him. Especially after 8 years. I mean 8 years with out seeing your kid, and now you got him back and the only thing you care about is work. His parent's are so rude! I feel bad for him. I don't think his parents like me.... But Michael does... Oops. Michael's parents don't scare me, but his aunt does. She kinda creepy.

She came in looking for Michael but she saw me with him, so she left. What if I wasn't there. Would she have hurt him? I'm scared for Michael. I don't want him to get hurt. He's been getting better. I hope his aunt changed...

"So where do you want to go?" Michael asks me, he was about to open the door for me.

"I can do that myself." I joked and opened the door.

"Just trying to be a gentlemen." He says and gets in the car.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Want to go get some icecream?" He asked.

"Sure." I say buckling my seatbelt.

He started to drive to the icecream place.

"So how did MagCon go?"  He asks me.

"Great. Although it was a bit weird between Nash and I. We sorta got in a fight. I didn't like the way he treated you. Were not even dating... I have no idea why he said that... He left me for fame..." I say and stare at the window.

"I'm sorry." Michael saus and puts one of his hand on top of mine.

"Don't be." I say giving him a warm smile.

We got to the ice cream shop and got off. We went in and ordered our icecreams. We decided to sit in the benches outside.

We sat down and started eating our icecream.


"Yes?" He replies.

"Aren't you scared of your aunt? No offense but she scares me." I say.

"Its fine, and yeah. She didn't do anything because you were there... I don't know what I'm going to do." He says.

"Why don't you tell your parents?" I ask him.

"Mitzy they couldn't even spend this day with me, what makes you think they will believe me." He says.

True, that is so true.

"Your right." I say and lay on his shoulder and continue eating icecream.

"Don't worry about that right now though. This is our time together. Nothing else should matter." He says.

"Alright." I say and continue eating my icecream.




"Finished?" Michael asked me.

"Yup." I say eating the last piece of cone.

"Lets go shopping?" He asked.

"Yes!! You can get new clothes and sutff!" I say excited.

Calm... Mitzy keep calm.

We got in the car and drove off the mall.

We drived into the mall parking lot and I realized...

It was the mall that I met Nash at...


I was walking with my head down, until some guy bumped into and I dropped my smoothie on me.

Complicated Love 2 Nash/Hayes Grier/Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now