The Talk (Nash Pov)

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*Nash's Pov*

Yesterday we all past out late. I was still at Mitzy's house, and some how I slept with her as well.

We were all eating breakfast. Some people left yesterday though. So it was only my family, Matthew, Mitzy,and her mom.

When we were all done eating we each washed our plates and put them to dry.

"Okay we should get going now guys." My dad says.

"Thank you for everything." My dad thanks Mitzy's mom.

We all thanked her.

"Text you when I get home." I tell Mitzy.

"Alright." She says.

We kissed, and my dad looked abseloutly disguted.

"Bye." Mitzy tells me.

"Bye." I say and walk to the car.

I smile at her then get in.

"Nash were going to have a serious talk once we get to the house." Chad tells me.

"Alright." I say and turn to Hayes.

"What happened to Emily? I didn't see her this morning." I ask him.

"She had to leave last night." Hayes replies.

"Oh." I say.

"Yup." He says pooping the p.

I took out my earphones and started hearing music....






"Were here!" My mom shouts.

"Finally." I complain and hop off the car.

Feels good to walk. Ugh I have to hear my dad with his "serious talk" stuff. This is going to be boring. But whatever, lets get over that. The thing is that I know what he is going to talk about. He's going to start complaining that he doesn't like Mitzy and I being together as a couple. Same old shit but a different day. Sigh, well what can I do about it?

My mom opens up the house and we go in.

"Nash we need to talk." My dad tells me.

"I know." I say and sigh.

We go into his little office that he has and we sit down.

"Okay I know what we need to talk about already." I tell him.

"I think we all do. This is serious. I mean come on. Step brother and step sister dating. How does that sound to you?" He tells me.

"Well were not really related. So why are you making such a big deal?" I ask him.

"But you guys are related by me. You both have the same dad." He says.

"Well I{m going to let you make a choice." He adds.

"Sooner or later your going to turn 17, then 18. At 18 you can do what ever you want." He says.

"What does age have to do with this?" I ask confused.

"Your 16 and you live in my house, when you have a house of your own then you may do what ever you want." He tells me.

"Can you get to the point? Or can I get there for you?" I ask.

"You dont want Mitzy and I to be together. Correct?" I add.

"Correct." He answers.

"And you tell me to choose what makes ME happy not others. Correct?" I tell him.

Complicated Love 2 Nash/Hayes Grier/Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now