I Understand......

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*Nash's Pov*

It's the day after I made my decision. Now I only had to tell Mitzy. I texted telling her to meet up at the nearest park, I came two minutes before her. But now I have her face to face and I cant go back in time.

"So what do we need to talk about?" Mitzy asks me as we sit down on the bench.

"I told my dad my decision yesterday." I say.

"Awesome! So what did you choose?" She asks me.

"I, um, choose.... MagCon....." I say guilty.

"Oh, um... Nash. That's great!" Mitzy tells me.

"Your not mad?" I ask.

"No not at all." She says smiling.

*Mitzy's Pov*

"Your not mad?" Nash asks me.

"No not at all." I say with a small smile.

I had to admit even though Nash choose what makes him happy, it kind of hurts to know that Nash perfers MagCon than me. But if it makes him happy then I have to accept it. Cause that's what matter's right? His happiness.

"Nash as long as your happy I'm happy." I tell him.

"Thank you for understanding Mitzy." He tells me.

"Well I have to go now...Bye." Nash adds. He gets up and leaves.


I walk back home kind sad, but what can I do about it? I seriously can't believe dad made him choose like that. It's dumb and pathetic. It gets me so pist off, no he gets me so pist off.

*Nash's Pov*

Mitzy understood, she didn't get mad at all. Wow... I was expecting another reaction, but it went good. I walk back to my dad's car because yes he did come with me. He wanted to see if I really broke up with her. He put a tiny microphone on me, so he heard everything.

"Good job Nash. I didn't think you would actually do it." He tells me as I opened the car door.

"Mmm." I say.

"What? YOU made YOUR decision Nash, and you choose MAGCON instead of MITZY. That's not my fault. And what you dont realize is that you could have MItzy for the rest of your life, when MagCon might be there for a year or two." Dad tells me.

"Why a year or two?" I ask.

"I dont know, it could end someday. And it'll be over." He tells me.

"OOh...." I say.

I regret choosing MagCon, I could probably change my choice.

"Dad can I change my decision?" I ask.

"Nope no turning back once it's done." He responds fast.

"Oh... but..." I say awkwardly.

"No but's Nash. Your choice was MagCon now you have MagCon." He tells me.

An awkward silcence appeared, it was uncomfortable. And to think that he's going to drive home like this.....

*Mitzy's Pov*

When I got home, I opened the door and found Justin and Max, I ignored them and threw myself to the couch.

"What's wrong with you?" Max asks me.

"Nothing, just got dumped." I tell him.

"But you guys just got back together....." Max tells me confused.

Complicated Love 2 Nash/Hayes Grier/Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now