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*Mitzy's Pov*
Mahogany, Sandra, and I stepped into the dark stage. We went to Mahogany's dj spot. She got a microphone and turned it on.
She put the song "Break Free" from Ariana Grande. Mahogany asked Sandra to sing.
We saw some of her singing videos on her instagram and this girl sings amazing.
She started singing and the the stage went on... Later on the spotight only focused on her.
When she was done we all clapped.
Bart came out and started to call out the guys.
"Good job! You did amazing." I told Sandra.
"Thank you." She says.
The boys started to do their thing. They did the lipgloss dance, Jack and Jack sang a song.
Shawn sang "Life of the Party. "
"Ok so Mitzy here.... She has been practicing on this dance... Since like forever. Mitzy would you like to dance it?" Mahogany asked.
Freaking Mahogany. Omg.
"Nooo!" I said and laughed.
The boys started to do their thing. They did the lipgloss dance, Jack and Jack sang a song.
Shawn sang "Life of the Party. "
We all sang along with Shawn. He has such an amazing talent.
"Okay so, I think we should make these boys work hard tonight!." Mahogany said into the microphone.
All the fans screamed.
"Hmm i dont know you about Mitzy, but I think they should all have a push up challenge!" Mahogany said.
"I agree with you!" I say and look out to the crowd.
I wasn't really loved by all the MagCults, but I didn't care. I was here to support the boys, and Mahogany.
"For sure Im going to win." Cameron said and went into a push up position.
*Nash Pov*
Ugh great push up contest.
I just want to talk to Mitzy. I saw the way some of the fans looked at her during the meet and greet. SIgh.
Lets just get this show over with.
I went into a push up position like the rest of the boys did.
Cameron looked over to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"Yeah." I said and smile.
"Ok, who ever does the most push ups win." Mitzy said.
"Lets have some girls from the crowd count for them!" Mahogany said.
"Mitzy you count for Nash." Mahogany told me.
Is she for real? Sigh well ok.
Some girls went "aaw." Because i was going to be with Nash.
Mahogany picked a few girls and brought them on stage.
"Contest begins now!" Mahogany said and the boys started doing push ups.
*Nash's Pov*
Mahogany paired Mitzy and I up. She has to count how many push ups I do. Im glad I got her.
I started doing my push ups.
"1...2....3.....4." Mitzy counted.
She bend down on one knee.
"5....6....7...8.." She continued to count.
"Hurry up, we better win, you bozzo." She said with a grin.
I just gave her a smile.
"11..12...13...14..15..16..17" She counted.

We have to win this.

"By the way the first person who stops looses!" Mahogany said.

"You better not stop." Mitzy said giggling.

I kept doing my push ups. I think I have like 25 right now.

"How many?" I ask.

"5... Just kidding! 30! Keep going you can do it!" She said motivating me.

*Matthew's Pov*

Mitzy got paired with Nash. That gave me some weird knot feeling in my stomach. I don't know why though. I don't like her anymore.

One of my precious fans was counting my push ups. The whole time I kept looking at Nash and Mitzy.

She was comforting him, and motivating him.

I kept doing my push ups, when something caught my eye.

She kissed his cheek.

I plopped down to the floor.

"Matthew is the first one out!" Mahogany said.

"How many did he do?" Mahogany asked the fan, by the name Stephanie.

"45" She replied shyly.

The second one out was Johnson.
He got up, hugged the fan. Then walked over to me.

He helped me up, an hugged me.

"Still fab though!" Mitzy yelled at me with a smile.

I smiled at her and Jack J, took me backstage.

*Mitzy's Pov*

Only Nash and Cam were left. Nash had like 125. I think they were both tied.

"Im done." Nash said and plopped down.

He is so adorable.

"Cameron is the winner!!" Mahogany said.

I layed down next to Nash.

"Ai you tried hard though." I said with a grin.

He gave me a warm smile.

*Matthew's Pov*

"What's wrong?" Jack J asked me.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Dude come on, were a family. You can tell me anything." He told me.

I sighed and looked at him.

"Its cause.. I saw Mitzy give Nash a kiss, and it kinda hurt. I don't know why though. I don't like her anymore. Im over her." I tell him.

"Um, I knew it would be that. Bro, it doesn't sound like your over her. just wait and lets see what happens. We need to go back. Lets see what happens. Alright? Just try to talk to her, get her attention, and stuff. She isn't going to ignore you. I know that for sure." He said and gave me a hug.

"Thanks." I thanked him.

"Don't thank me." He said and we went back into the stage.

We continued the show.

*Mitzy's Pov*

"Thank you all for coming!! It was such a pleasure meeting you guys. We do this for you guys. You guys are inspiration. With out you guys we would be nothing. We love you all!" Nash said.

Thats how we ended todays show. It was such a blast. Im really tired though. Mahogany invited Sandra to stay in the hotel with us. I'm going to be in one of the guys room. Its a favor for Mahogany. Anything for the Queen.

Guys Im super sorry for not updating!!! I will update more recently.

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Ily all! What did you guys think of this chapter?!? Hope you all enjoyed!

Complicated Love 2 Nash/Hayes Grier/Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now