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"Here, Dad. Maybe eating will make you feel better." Mono passed his father a bowl of macaroni and cheese.

"Thanks." His father took the bowl still wearing a heavy frown. "Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention to her," he sighed.

"Dad, we're on this camping trip, so you could forget about your girlfriend," said Mono before putting a spoonful of macaroni in his mouth.

"That's ex-girlfriend, Mono, and you're right. It's just that..." Dave glanced at Mono. "Never mind. What's done is done." Dave turned back to his bowl and started eating.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" 


"Why did you decide to start dating?"

Dave scratched the back of his head. "I had a feeling you were going to ask me that. Well, you know how much I love your mother, right?

"Yeah, you talk about her so much. I feel like I already know her."

Right... before she passed, she made me promise to find a second love. And before you ask, no; I don't know why. Your mother always had this sixth sense, but for some reason it was usually something eerie. Regardless a promise is a promise." Dave stared back at his food and twisted the spoon.

Mono regretted asking, but thought of a way to change the mood. "I know. Why don't you tell me one of your stories?" Mono suggested.

Dave's face brightened with a smile. "That's not a bad idea. Which one should it be?"

"Anyone is-" Jingle, Jingle. Mono noticed a sound coming from behind him. "Was that a bell?" He looked towards the trees and spotted something shining in the grass.

Dave was lost in thought before realizing Mono had gotten up. "Mono?"

Mono walked a few steps away from the campfire, before spotting a strange object on the ground. He found a small comb with two bells embedded in it and a red string design connecting them.

"What's something like this doing here?" Mono picked it up and shook the comb next to his ear, but he didn't hear the sound from before.

Dave walked up to Mono. "Did you find something?"

Mono lifted the comb towards Dave. "I thought I heard the sound of bells coming from this comb."

When Dave saw it his eyes widened. "That's!" He quickly took the comb.

"What is it?" Mono asked.

"It's nothing! I just want to take a closer look at it." Dave said with a smile, but Mono could tell something was not right. He saw the worried look in his father's eyes

Mono was about to question him when they heard footsteps coming towards them. Dave stepped in front of Mono.

"Who's there?" Dave called. "Get back, Mono it could be a wild animal."

"I am not a wild animal." A lady stepped out from beside a tree. Her short bob hair and eyes were as black as the night sky, while her face was as light as a sunny day. She wore black leggings, a long brown blouse, and boots. "I did not mean to scare you. I was looking for my comb." The lady spotted the comb in Dave's hand. "You found it!" She quickly walked toward Dave closing the gap between them to meet face to face. "May I have it back, please?"

Dave was so surprised by the her quick movements that it took him a while to answer. "Y-yes you may. You don't even have to ask. I mean, what would we do with a comb?"

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