Because It's Fun

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Kiki yawned. I wished she had given me more time to sleep. In truth, she was trying not to think about the scentless and dead silent path to Yoko's room. The hallway to ruin many would call it. No room other then Yoko's was on this floor.

Conrad is well-behaved compared to the others. If he had a request Yoko would have granted it, just to show off all the perks. And how did he end up at Mono's house? Maybe his magic wasn't working right. Then why weren't there any problems the second time he tried? He was done so quickly I barely had time to ask him anything.


She stopped. No one in front and no one in back.

Thump! Thump!

she walked faster.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The door was getting farther and farther away.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

Where is that sound coming from?  A small child wearing a black cloak came to mind. "Okay, jokes over. Reveal yourself. Now!"

Conrad stared at her with a slight hint of anticipation. "Scared?"

"I was not!"

He smiled. "Lier."

This is rare. Which means. "Can I ask you something?"

Conrad stuck out his hand. The smile replaced with his usual blank expression.

"I don't have any candy."


"Wait!" He vanished. I liked it better when he was crying. Kiki looked up. Yoko's door was five feet away from her. Proof that he had help.

Yoko laid lazily on her couch reading one of her scrolls. It was difficult to tell if it was at her leisure or she was working.

"Yes, Yoko."

Yoko sat up but did not take her eyes off the scroll. "I plan for Mono to play another game tomorrow."

"It's not like you to tell anyone ahead of time."

"I have my reasons, besides you should know why."

Sweat ran down Kiki's back.

"Anyway, I want you to take him to the park."

"I am  taking part in it, too?"

"You are. It's not fun playing by yourself."

It troubled her but she did not have a choice in the matter.  "I understand. I will take him to the park tomorrow."

"Good." Yoko turned to Kiki and smirked. "You have a question, don't you? Let's hear it."

"Did something happen with Conrad?"

"It was more like a disagreement. But that's between me and him."

Kiki knew Yoko wasn't going to give her a clear answer. She just wanted to compare it. "Why are you testing him, instead of erasing his memories?"

"I thought it would be interesting. Don't you think this is more fun?"

Fun? She is not the type to mess with a human child. They're too fragile.

She thought back to the last time she saw Mono. His face was twisted in surprise and anger. She could see how he was trying to suppress it. A much better reaction then that high school girls.

No. Concentrate on the important things.

Yes, important things.

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