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The bell signaling the end of the school day rang. Mono came out of the classroom before anyone else. He would see Yoko today. Is what he thought but Ray was the second one out of class. He wasn't going to leave him alone.

"What's up? You've been out of it all day."

"It's nothing."

"Really? What was our last class?"


Ray made a face like he knew Mono would say that. "Science. see, you never been this out of it."

"I'm fine. Just a little tired that's all."

"I know!" Ray shouted grab Mono by the arm and walked in the opposite direction. "Let's go to the computer lab."

"What! But I-"

"I want to show you something."

Mono sighed. "Fine, but I'm blaming you if we get caught."


There were a few other kids but no teacher around to make sure they weren't doing something they shouldn't. A video came up on the computer of a lady putting ingredients in a bowl.

"She's making a cake. So what?"

"Just watch."

When she was done she placed the cake mix in the microwave instead of the oven. Mono leaned in.

"I know, right? This way you can make a cake without adults looking over your shoulder."

"Awesome." He wanted to make a cake like that. Ray's a great guy for showing him this. He's always been a good friend. Even when Mono tried distancing himself from him.  

"I'm meeting someone today. So I can't stay long, but I'll tell you all about it later."

Ray turned to Mono then smiled. "Okay. If your having any trouble you can always come to my house."

"To make cake, right?"

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