Meet up

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Yoko stood in line to order more food. She just told Mono his dad was coming to pick him up and left.

He's coming here? Unless she contacted him beforehand, the only other way would be to use a cellphone. Did she use her powers? She said it like it was not a big deal.

She came back with two burgers in hand. Smiling ear to ear. If Dad was coming here, he didn't have a lot of time.

"Did you know my mom?"

Yoko placed the burgers on the table and sat down next to him. "I did."

 The image of his dream of her and Yoko talking flashed in his mind. Before he could find the words. Dad came into the restaurant, sweat ran down his face and glaring at Yoko.

She looked back at him without a worry. "That was faster than I thought."

Dad was not the type to get mad easily. He teacher's high school students after all.

"Dad, are you okay?"

His anger cooled a bit. "I'm fine. Wait here for a minute." Yoko, a word."

"Have fun, you two."

You two?

Kiki sat across from him and eating the burgers.

"Where did you come from?"

"With your dad. His interesting. There were a lot of cars, so we ran the rest of the way here. Do you know what a parking ticket is?"

Something he will have to pay for. That's not important. Why was she with him?

"Don't give me that look. We only talk for a bit that's all."

Yeah, right.

"But, if you really want to know. When's you're next day off from school?"

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