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Mono walked into the living room with a tray of strawberry cheesecake brownies and two glasses of milk. Kiki stared at it with glowing eyes watching the saucedripping off of the brownie, before shaking her head and turning away from it.

"What took so long? I thought you forgot I was here," said Kiki.

"It wasn't that long." Mono placed the tray on the table and sat next to Kiki. "So what's this about?"

"I... think they're seeing each other." She said in a small voice.


Her cheeks puffed up as she closed in on Mono to the point that their noses were touching. "My Mom, Who else?"

"Okay, calm down." Mono took a brownie off the tray. "It'll make you feel better," He said, offering it to Kiki. She looked at him, then the brownie and takes it.

"That can't be right. If Dad was going out with someone he would have told me."

"I don't know about that, but your dad came by the stall today. When I saw them talking it didn't look like it was the second time they've met."

"Are you sure?"

"I am! Because she started acting strange when he came." Kiki paused then turned away. "For a moment it felt like I had become invisible..." Kiki bit into the brownie.

"HOT!!!" She screamed while ears pop out from the top of her head. She stuck her tongue out, and started waving her hands on it.

Mono quickly gave her a glass of milk. She snatched it from him and drank it in one gulp. her ears pointed down as she sighed with relief. "Were you trying to poison me?"

Mono stared at her, then pointed. Kiki turned to the mirror, she had failed to notice and saw her current state. She quickly pulls her hood up and ran out of the living room.

"Wait!" Mono went after her. He saw her pushing and pulling on the front door knob, before running into the kitchen towards the window. "Kiki, please listen to me!"

She stuck her head out the window. "It's too far down and there's nowhere to climb."

"Kiki, there's nothing to be afraid of."

She turned to Mono and glared. "You're right." Kiki spread out her fingers as her nails started to grow. "But what about you?"

Mono was unable to see her face under her hood, even her bright yellow eyes faded away in the darkness. "Kiki?"

"Just let me leave ...  And I promise not to hurt you," she said with a voice void of emotion.

"I... I can't. I need to ask you something first."


Kiki rushes toward Mono ready to strike. Mono dodges to the side into the kitchen counter.


She didn't even give him time to speak as she went in for the second strike. Mono barely manage to get out of the way with her taring a peace of his shirt. Mono grabbed a spatula and block her claws from reaching his face. Kiki was about to  use her free hand, before Mono stomped on her foot.


Mono ran back into the living room. What should I do? She's not going to a listen to a word I say.

Kiki pushes him down from behind. They started rolling over the floor, making Mono lose the spatula during the struggle. Kiki pins him down, crossing Mono's arms above his head and her legs on top of his.

With her free hand, she pointed her claws at Mono and thrusts them towards him.

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