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Mono felt something sharp on his forehead, instead of unimaginable pain he felt like he had just gotten a pinched by a needle.

"What?" Kiki gasped.

Mono realized that her grip had become weak, he freed his arm and pushed her away. He got up and was about to run when he saw her studying her hands.

"What happened?" Kiki then began searching her pockets. "It's not here... Where is it!?" she looked back at Mono then froze. He followed her gaze to his right fist. There was a black star charm in his hand. 

"How did I-"

"GIVE IT BACK!" Kiki took a step forward, but stop when Mono tightened his grip on the charm.

This must be important to her. While he stared at Kiki with her hood down, he thought about the creature from his dream. It had the same pointy ears as Kiki. It really was a fox. Maybe I can get my answers from her? He also saw the look of desperation on her face. No, I should just give this back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for things to get this bad." Mono was about to give Kiki the charm but paused for a moment. "Kiki, I'll give this back to you, but first I want you to promise me something."

What I'm I saying?

"How?" Kiki's eyes swayed between Mono and the charm as she bit her lower lip. "What is it?"

What's going on? Why is she making that face?

"I just want us to be friends."


"What!? There's no way she's going to be friends with me! "

"... Just that? Nothing else? "

"Just that."

"Okay, I promise to be your friend."

Mono walked up to Kiki and handed her the charm. She let out a sigh, then placed it somewhere in her cloak.

What just happened?

There was silence between them until Mono spoke. "Um, since we're friends now. I like to make up for the brownie."

"After all that. Are you still not afraid of me?

"You don't seem scary to me. Well, the part where you tried to tear me to shreds was pretty scary."

"I guess I need to work on that?" she mumbled. "Anyway, if you want to make up for it you should eat one yourself. You ruined a perfectly good brownie by putting hot sauce on it."

"You're right." Mono grabbed the other brownie and stuff the whole thing in his mouth. His face started turning red while tears formed in his eyes.

"Waa! I didn't mean for you to eat the whole thing. Are you nuts? Here!" Kiki passed him the other glass of milk.

Mono drank it down one gulp at a time. "Haaah. That's better. I can't stand hot food."

Kiki stared at him opened mouthed and laughed. "What's wrong with you?"

"It's not that funny...  Anyway, about what you were saying before. I'll be honest, I don't think there's anything going on between my Dad and Yoko, but it wouldn't hurt to be sure. Why don't I help you with that?"

"I don't know. It would be a different story if you didn't know about this." Kiki pointed to her fox ears.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, besides, not even my best friend is going to believe that I met a fox girl."

"I'm a Kitsune, and if I was as strong as my Mother you'd be... Oh no! "

"What's wrong?"

"The stall!" Kiki dashed out of the room.

"Wait, Kiki!"

"What is it?! Are you still not going to let me leave?" she asked, trying to open the door again.

"It's not that. Your ears."

"Oh." Kiki patted her ears until they disappeared and turned into normal ones. "There they're gone. Can you open the door, now?"

"I will, but first you have to let me go with you."

"Okay! Fine, let's just go already!"

As soon as Mono opened the front door Kiki sprinted into the hallway. When Mono came out she was already in front of the elevator rapidly pressing the down button. "Why isn't it here yet? Mono, is there another way out of here?"

"Uh, the stairs are over-"Soon after pointing to the staircase, Kiki was already running down the stairs. "Hey!" Mono didn't waste any time going after her.

Author Note 

Hey, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I like there to be a reason for the picture but I think the starflower fits it. I mostly get the pictures from this site . I'll be posting another chapter next week.

What do you think about being friends with a Kitsune? Or any other mythical creature.

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