Chapter 5

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Elton's POV

I don't understand something; what happened between Colby and (Y/n)? Yesterday,  they acted a little more distant. But today, they're always with one another.

I packed my backpack with a sleeping bag, pillow and the Ouija board. I was ready to go to Suicide Bridge. I grabbed an old grocery bag and put in some small candles, then put those on top of everything else in my backpack.

I picked up my camera and yelled, "You guys ready to go?!?"

"Yeah!" They all yelled.

I ran downstairs with my backpack and camera. They were all waiting by the door.

"Lets go then."


I pressed record on the camera as we all stood in place. "What's up everybody. Were back here at Suicide Bridge, I know we said we weren't coming back, but you guys really wanted one last video here. So, I'm here with Sam, Colby, (Y/n), and Corey. So uh, let's go to our spot." I said.

I picked up the camera and filmed in front of me. "Hey, did you guys notice that they put up more fencing around here?" I pointed out.

"No." Corey answered.

"Oh my god! I didn't even see that!" Sam replied.

"I actually came here with Brennen and saw that. Do you think more people have jumped since we were here last." Colby said.

We made our way to our spot under the bridge.

"So, are we just sleeping here overnight?" Corey asked.

"Yeah. And we're also going to play this." I set the Ouija board on the concrete chunk in front of me.

"Nope. I'm out. Not this again." Corey walked away and we all started laughing at his fear of the board.

He finally walked back over and I set up the camera. I pulled out the board and set it up as well. Colby lit the candles and placed them around the board.

We all put two fingers on the planchette, even though it took a few minutes to convince Corey to play.

We circled the planchette 3 times and said, "Ouija, are you there?"

(Y/n) was asking questions this time. "Are there any spirits who died here willing to speak with us?"

The piece moved straight to yes. "Who's doing that? That moved so fast!" Corey asked, terrified.

"That moved so fast." I repeated.

"Spirit, what is your name?" (Y/n) asked.


"Emma, how old were you when you died?"

1 3

"Are you an evil spirit?"


"Oh crap... That is no good. (Y/n), why would you ask that?" Corey asked.

"I wanted to make sure it wasn't going to hurt us! Emma, will you hurt us?"


"How many will you hurt?"


"Emma, am I the one?"


"Why do you want to hurt me?" (Y/n) asked so calmly.

It didn't move. That's when a rock flew past (Y/n), almost hitting her. "Holy shit! We need to say goodbye. Now." I said firmly.

"Goodbye." Everyone said off sync as they pushed the planchette to Goodbye.

I put away the Ouija board away and we all decided to leave instead of spend the night.

Colby's POV

(Y/n) and I were driving home behind Elton's car. "Are you okay? What happened back there was some freaky shit."

"Yeah. I mean, I almost died if that rock hit me. That Ouija board is not something to mess with." (Y/n) replied.

"Well, nothing bad can happen if I'm around." I held her and the rest of the way home.

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