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(A week later)

"Hey Youngjae! Can I tell you a joke?"

I roll my eyes at him, it's my second week dammit can I be bothered?


How can it hurt? Maybe it'll make me hate him a little less.

"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Pauline who?"
"I think I'm Pauline in love with you."

Okay never mind.

"I swear to god I'm gonna quit if you don't stop."

Jaebum walked over to me, wrapped himself around me leg and pouted.

"Nooo Jaejae don't leave me~"
"I'm filing my notice tomorrow."

I roll my eyes at him and walk off.

Except....he's still attached to my leg.

"Jaebum get off."
"Nah you're comfy."
"I hate you."

He looks up at me, a hurt look on his face.

"You keep saying that. Do you really mean it?"
"Yes I do Jaebum! You're fucking irritating! You can't even leave me alone for a minute without pulling a prank or something! You're an asshole Jaebum and I really do hate you!"

He stares me dead in the eye, his eyes a little glossy.

"I see..."

He gets up off the floor and sternly walks away.


I didn't mean to hurt him that bad...

I suppose he's only trying to be friendly, I mean he literally helped me out the first day I was here. He didn't laugh at me when I fell like most people.

Shit, I just hurt a good hearted person.

I'm an asshole...

"Jaebum! Come back I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that please come back!" I yelled.

I'm not shocked he hasn't replied. Maybe if I text him he'll tell me where he is.

Jaebum I'm so so sorry...I really didn't mean it that way...please tell me where you are

It's fine...really...I'm fine

Where are you?

He's not responding now, great. Way to go Youngjae, you just hurt a guy who's just trying his best to be nice.

Wait I can check the security cameras to find him.

I walk over to the computers that display the live video feed from the cameras and after flicking through a bunch I finally find him. He's sat on the floor in the Roman City with his head in his hands.

He's not...crying is he?

I make my way over there, thoughts whirring through my head.

I really fucked up this time....

"Jaebum..." I say with a soft voice.

No reply.

"L-look I'm so so sorry, I really didn't mean to hurt you. I realise now you were just trying to be nice an-"
"I know, Youngjae, I know. That's all I ever try to do but people always react the same way you do. They lash out and get annoyed." He looks up at me, pain still evident on his face.

"Jaebum I'm really sor-"
"I get it, you're sorry, but you know, I really fell for you Youngjae. I fell in fucking love with you. I know I've only known you for a week but it only took that long for me to realise how much of a angel you are. Everything about you drew me in, you really are perfect. But then, like Jinyoung, you tore me apart. Tomorrow don't expect me to try to be 'nice' again..."

(Time skip to morning)
I spent the rest of the night on the opposite side of the museum to Jaebum, I really fucked him over.

I walk down the steps of the museum into the cold winter air and bring my scarf closer to my mouth.


Double B:
Youngjae do you think you could come to my place? It's about Jackson.... I told him yesterday and he just replied...

What?? I thought you told him last week?? And how did it go??

Double B:
I chickened out last week but I managed to tell him yesterday and I guess you could say it didn't go as planned....

Aww Bammie I'll be right over!

Bless him, he's so cute when he's nervous. If Jackson has turned him down he's missing out on something amazing. Bams truly something else.

I better tell Jinyoung what I'm doing so he doesn't worry.

Jinyoungieeee I'm going to Bambams, he seems a little upset so I might be there a while but I'll be back as soon as I can!


Well, off to Bambams I go!

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