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Jinyoung POV:
I hear someone yell my name, the sound is muffled making it difficult to determine who it is. The yell causes 'Jaebum' to writhe in pain, covering his ears and dropping to his knees all while letting out a blood curdling screech.

He skin slowly begins to melt, first his head then his torso and then his legs, all slowly melting into a large puddle on the floor before me. I squirm away from the mess, so shocked that no sound can leave my lips.

Suddenly, a loud click is heard and the whole room turns eerily white. Except it's not a room. I now sit inside a long white corridor that shares an odd resemblance to a hospital. All the windows on the doors are blocked with grey masking tape, as if someone doesn't want me to see what's behind those doors.

Hesitantly, I push myself off the ground and onto my feet, stumbling forward slightly. I make my way down the corridor, checking every door for tape. Eventually I come across one with no tape, just glass. I place my hand on the handle, only to rip it back after finding that it's red hot.

I press my face against the glass, being careful not to touch the handle with my stomach. Inside is a dark room. A bed lay on the left hand side of the room, beside stands an IV drip...attached to none other than myself.

Beside me sits Marks, seemingly balling his eyes out into his hands, even behind the glass I can hear his sobs and soft mumblings of "im sorry". I feel my heart break at the sight.

I feel tears well up in my eyes.

But then I notice a figure lurking in the darkest corner of the room. A knife held tightly in his hand, a sly smile strewn across his face. He walks slowly towards Mark, bringing the knife higher as he did. He grabs Marks hair and brings the knife towards his neck violently, forcing a scream from Mark.

I begin to smash my fists against the glass, screaming and crying for him to leave him alone.

And I swear Travis looks me dead in the eye for a split second...

Then it all goes black.

I awake once again, lying in a hospital bed, IV drip attached to my hand. A strange ringing is in my ears and my vision is still blurry.

But I feel a hand grasp my wrist tightly.

"JINYOUNG HELP!" A muffled voice yells, the grip tightens on my wrist. I turn my head towards the yell in confusion, only to find my nightmares was one of facts.

Before me stands Travis with a knife drawn to Marks neck and a hand around his mouth. He looks at me with pure shock in his eyes, like he'd seen a ghost.

"WHAT THE FUCK I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD ASSHOLE!" He screams. He moves away from Mark, but not before grabbing his hair and throwing him to the floor viciously.

I rip the IV out of my hand and stand up, stumbling towards Travis. I'm still weak but I have to fight, I need to.

I send a punch towards Travis' face, he dodges it easily and sends one towards my stomach twice as hard. I curl over in pain, he only laughs.

"Why are you still here? Eh Jinyoung?" He scoffs.

I see Mark slowly push himself off the floor and head towards the door, he gives me a nod before running out. Luckily, Travis notices nothing at all.

"I don't know myself Travis..." I reply, I need to keep him talking.
"When I found you laying on the floor, filled with all those drugs, you should have been dead, you wanted to be dead! I was helping you get there."
"What if I changed my mind?"
"You still broke the rules, you still have to pay."

He pushes my harshly to the floor and drops to his knees. He grips my throat tightly and raises the knife above his head.

I wait for the impact.

Youngjae POV:
I lay on the sofa wrapped in a blanket. Jaebum has gotten up to make us some hot chocolates after remembering the coffee he made before was no use to me.

I press my head against the soft cushion on the sofa, it has the face of a cat embellished on it. Jaebums old cat, Nora, to be precise. He told me he had to leave her behind when he moved here because the landlord doesn't allow pets, but he missed he so much he actually paid to get her face embellished onto a cushion. I chuckle at the thought and snuggle in closer, closing my eyes slightly.

I hear heavy footsteps and a quick "okay we're coming" from Jaebum.

"Babe what is it?" I ask, confused.
"We need to go, now, it's Jinyoung."

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