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Youngjae POV
We rush out of the museum, making sure to lock the doors behind us. Jinyoung left nothing behind and switched his location off on his phone so the only thing we can do is walk around the city and search for him.

We search the city for hours on end, yelling Jinyoungs name as loud as possible. We search every alleyway, bridge, bus station and  train station for him to no prevail, it's like he's just disappeared.

Throughout this all Mark has been reasonably distant, often drifting into his own thoughts. I really should have just listened, I didn't know they were engaged...

We search for a few more hours, once again with no success so we decide to rest on a bench in the nearby park. As we sit down, Mark bursts into tears again.

"Hey hey Mark calm down," I say as I wrap my arms around him,"it'll be okay we'll find him!"
"I-I couldn't make him stay dammit! My own f-fiancé has left me f-forever and it's all my fault! The only thing h-he asked of me was to make him stay....."

His tears stain my shirt as he sobs uncontrollably into it.

What if he really is gone?

Would that be my fault?

Would his blood be on my hands?

I feel a hand pat my back, I turn to see Jaebum looking at me with soft eyes. He looks at me in such a way that I almost feel safe wrapped in his gaze, like it could protect me from anything.


We slowly move away from the bench and begin our journey home. Jaebum and I both agree that Mark should stay with us for the night.

In the distance we hear yelling, must be a street fight, so we slowly turn on our heel and walk away.

But not before we hear a bottle smash and a familiar voice screech "DO YO WANT ME TO THROW THIS AT YOUR FACE JINYOUNG? YOU DESERVE TO DIE!"

We all stare at each other in shock, was it our Jinyoung. We all scramble towards the sound, turning down a dark alleyway as we do so.

My old college bully Travis stands meters away from us, wielding half a glass bottle. Around his feet are tiny pieces of broken glass, some stained red. His knuckles are red and bloody, his eyes are wide and maddened.

To my horror, on the floor in front of him lays a beaten and bloody Jinyoung. His face bruised, his lip busted. He lays lifeless on the floor, a photo crumpled in his weak hand.

Jaebum pushes me backwards slightly and storms towards Travis, fists clenched.

"HEY ASSHOLE LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Jaebum yells before grabbing Travis by the throat and slamming him against the wall holding him there.
"Now then, you better leave before I beat your ass to a pulp." He brings face close to Travis', a menacing expression strewn across his usually angelic face. He drops Travis on the ground, allowing him to stumble hastily away.

Mark and I run over to Jinyoung whom now looked slightly conscious. Mark gently pulls his head onto his lap, stroking stray hairs out of Jinyoungs eyes.

"You really scared me babe, what were you thinking!" Mark cried out, tears streaming.
"I-I was o-only go-gonna l-leave k-orea but h-he got m-me first...I'm s-sorry..." Jinyoung croaked out.

He turns his attention to me, shakily lifting his hand tinny shoulder and grasping it tightly.

"T-his is what I w-was protecting you from...." he muttered before falling back into Marks lap, unconscious.

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