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I unlock the door to Bambams house, he keeps his keys in the plant pot outside. I slowly open the door and step inside.

I hear sniffles from further inside the house, bless him.

"Bammie? Are you okay honey?" I softly call out.

I walk over to the living room to see him curled up under a blanket on the sofa.


I lift the blanket slightly, he's flushed red and tear stained.

I'm gonna kill Jackson.

I pull him up into my lap and hold him tightly, rocking him slightly as I did.

"Hey...what happened Bambi? Hmm? What happened?"
"H-he said I w-wasn't g-g-good enough for his st-standards."

My hearts shattered into pieces as he said that. How could anyone even dream of saying that to Bambam?

"How about I make you a nice hot chocolate and I put on a film yeah?"
"That would be nice..." he whispers.
"What film would you like?"
"Guardians of the Galaxy..."
"I knew you'd say that!" I say with a giggle and a small smile appears on his face too.

I put the film on for him then walk over to the kitchen to make his hot chocolate. We've been friends for years so I know where everything is.

It really hurts seeing him like this since he never really shows his feelings like that very often. If he does it's probably something bad.

The thing is, I know Jackson is totally whipped for Bambam. I don't know what happened but Jackson fucked up real bad. He'd been texting me for months telling me how much he liked Bambam and how he wanted to ask him out on a date, so this whole "not up to his standards" is total bullshit.

Ughh Jackson what have you done?

I walk back through to where Bambam is, he's already smiling at the film. I sit down next to him and hand him his hot chocolate, he turns to me and squeals "I am groot!".

Good to see he's already feeling better.

Twenty minutes into the film I feel a weight on my shoulder. Bambam has fallen asleep already, Rocket hasn't even made Peter steal that mans leg yet!

I slowly get up and pull the blanket over him. I then switch the film off and write a quick note so he's not confused when he wakes up.

Hey bam! You fell asleep so I tucked you in but I had to go or Jinyoung will worry about me. I promise you everything will be fine between you and Jackson, just wait.

life long friend,

Reaching my house I pull out my keys and unlock the door.

"Jinyoungie I'm home!" I half shout.

No reply. Odd.

I make my way over to the bedroom, hearing voices as I did so. Has he got friends round?

I open the door to see something I hoped I never would.

Mark on top of Jinyoung. Both shirtless and kissing.

My eyes brim with tears and I fall to my knees. They both shoot their heads 'round at this, Jinyoung utters a quiet "shit" under his breath.

I start to sob.

"Youngjae i-it's not what it looks like! I swear!"
"Oh yeah?! Cuz it looks like you're fucking cheating to me!"
"Youngjae plea-"
"Save it Jinyoung, we're done." I storm out of the house and back into the cold outside.

I break into a sprint, still sobbing. I keep running until my legs give way and I collapse onto the floor. I hold my head in my hands and scream. I'd never imagined he would do this, not my Jinyoung. He was my everything, I thought I was too...

He didn't even follow me.

I get up and begin to walk again tears still streaming down my face when I feel something bump into me and I fall to the floor once again.

"Hey look where you're going dude!" A tall boy yelled, clearly annoyed.
"I'm sorry." I apologise looking at the ground.

The boys sighs and holds out his hand, I take it and he pulls me up onto my feet.

"It's fine. Hey are you, crying?"

I hastily wipe my face and blurt out a "n-no".

The boy sighs again and pulls out a tissue.

"Come on now, it's alright! Is it because I yelled? Oh god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry! Or is it something else?"

I just shake my head.

"Yo Yugyeom you stopped running are you tired? You're so unf- Youngjae?"

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