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I turn on my heel again and storm off, only to be stopped by a hand grasping at my wrist.

"Youngjae wait I'm sorry."
"No you shouldn't be sorry Jaebum, this is my fault, this is all my fault I've fucked everything up I'm usule-"

I'm stopped by a finger on my lips.

"Yeah I'm just gonna go..." Yugyeom announces before running off.

"Don't you dare say that Youngjae. Don't you fucking dare." He whispers into my ear as he pulls me bone-crushing hug.

I burst into tears again. I bury my head into his shoulder and sob uncontrollably, gripping on slightly to his shirt. His hand strokes my back in a comforting manner, at least someone cares...

"Youngjae, what happened? This obviously isn't because Yugyeom yelled at you."

I grip his shirt tighter and sniffle slightly.

"Jinyoung he-he"
"He what Youngjae?" Jaebum asked with a soft voice.
"H-he c-cheated..."

I feel Jaebums hug become tighter as he buries his head in my shoulder too.

"He did the same to me. That's how I met Yugyeom, he thought he was dating Jinyoung too. Turns out he was using the both of us."

He lifts his head off my shoulder and looks me in the eyes.

"Youngjae, I'm sorry for how I was before, I just wanted to be close with you..."

I just hug him. It feels nice, he's so warm and soft like a big teddy bear.

"Can I come to your place Jaebum? I really need to get away..."
"Of course you can."

We arrive at his house and collapse on the sofa, I lay my head on his lap, sighing softly.

"Tough day?"
"The worst."
"Well, we have work together soon so I can make it better for you?"

I smile softly up at him as he stroke my hair fondly. Why does he make me feel so...right?

"Ah shit..." I smack myself in the face.
"What is it?" Jaebum asks, confusion strewn across his face.
"My uniform, it's still at my house. I really can't face him, Jaebum, I really can't.."
"H-hey I'll get it for you!"
"You would?" My eyes light up.
"Of course I would! Anything for you!"
"Thank you so much, I owe you..."
"You really don't..."

(Jaebum POV)
We get into my car and drive to Youngjaes house, he needed to come with me so he could give directions. The entire way I could feel anger begin to boil up inside of me. How could someone do this to my precious Youngjae?

We arrive at his house so I pull over and get out. The door isn't locked so I just stroll in, not caring if Jinyoung sees me.

And not to my surprise he's sat on the sofa surrounded by beer cans.

"Well if it isn't Im Jaebum..."
"Zip it Jinyoung, tell me where Youngjaes room is.."

He looks me up and down, disgust on his face.

"Oh, so you're getting it on with him now huh? And Youngjae thinks I'm the asshole but look how fast he moved on..."

My anger boiled over, I storm over to him and grab him by the collar, throwing him into the floor.


Jinyoung looks up at me with fear stricken eyes, his body seemingly frozen. He'd never seen me angry before, let alone physically hurt him.

"U-up the s-stairs i-i-its the first one on the l-left." He manages to blurt out.

I practically run to the room and grab as many of Youngjaes clothes as I could and shove them into my rucksack.

He's not staying with this asshole any longer.

I run back down the stairs and almost straight out the door when I hear Jinyoung's frail voice.

"Jaebum I'm sorry, I really truly am. I know I fucked up, I can't deny that and you have every right to hate me. But please, please just...tell Youngjae I'm sorry. It wasn't his fault, nor was it Marks. I'm just an unloyal monster who can't seem to keep a relationship. But please, please, tell Youngjae that I really did care for him, maybe not as a lover but as a brother. I really mean it Jaebum, please." He breaks down into tears on the floor.

My heart hurts a little looking at him but regardless I leave him there, crying.

I'm so mean to Jinyoung in all my books I'm sorry I promise one day I'll give him a happy ending

Nightshift {2Jae}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon